Sublime Forum

Sublime enhanced


I’ve finally released a plugin set that I’ve been worked on for 6 months. All plugins were designed according to certain philosophy (mouseless work and common tasks micro-optimizations).

Release still in beta, I just tired to add new features and fix and refix again bugs. Also I didn’t test well under MacOS/Windows (I just tested everything under virtualbox and was ensured that everything works more or less properly). I don’t have Mac so all key bindings for plugins were just copypasted from my Linux keymap; I’ll really appreciate any help relating to building sane key bindings for MacOS.

Plugins still was not accepted to repository so for now it is impossible to install it through package control.

Check out docs and instructions here: if you like one of plugins please star core repo as well. I’m not native english speaker so I’ll be really grateful if somebody will do language checking of docs and point me my mistakes (I suppose there are a lot).




Well done!

Please add an option to disable keyboard shortcuts (for each plugin independently and for all suite at once). At first sight, there are quite a few conflicts with my existing keys :smile:

(take a look at emmet and how they do it there)




Yes, it’ll be nice solution for resolving keymap conflicts. I’ll do it on this week.