Sublime Forum

How to create and publish a new Theme Package?


I recently modified an existing Theme, and the result is different enough that I’d like to publish it on Package Control. The problem is I have no idea how to do so.

Right now my theme is divided like this:

  • A “Data/Installed Packages/Theme - HueAccent.sublime-package” containing only an “icons” folder. Inside this folder are a bunch of icons used by the theme, and three files remaining from the Theme i modified that I don’t know what to do with: a .gitignore, a .stTheme and a .sublime-settings. The last two are named “Widgets”.

  • “Data/Packages/Theme - HueAccent”. Inside this folder are four .sublime-theme files (each one is a different color version of the theme).

I already have a github account. Could anyone be kind enough to explain to me how to package my theme and how to add it to the Package Control repository?

Thank you!



You don’t have to package it. Simply create a git repository for it. To submit it to package control, take a look at



Thank you, very helpful as always. I had already read the link, but though that I had to manually create “installing” files in my package.



If you place the theme file on github (or bitbucket) it’ll package it automatically. Of particular interest to you would be Notice the entire “theme” is contained within the git repository. Now, if you were to use package control to install that same theme, it would handle the packaging automatically. In fact, while versioning is recommended through the use of tags, it’s not necessary.

