Sublime Forum

Autocomplete, developing jbehave plugin


we are developing jbehave plugin for a sublime 2, I have stuck on the autocompletion functionality, please help me resolve a couple issues.

  1. In the ‘on_post_save’ state I am going through all the *’ files and find lines start with "@Given|@When|@Then’;
    after that "clean’ the jbehave java step to the valid result:
    before: "@When(“I click button $butthon”)
    after: "When I click button $button

  2. In the ‘on_query_completions’ state I give ‘prefix’ argument and return a list of proccessed steps, so return looks like:
    “Given I am on the page”
    “Given the workspaces”
    “When I click button $button”
    “Then the workspace is delete”

I have debugged the next code a lot, it returns the correct list of steps, but unfortunately the autocomplate shows me only default values. … ugging.png

As you can see, the result list contains 438 steps for “Given” prefix, but in the *.story" file the autocompletion shows nothing
Please take a look to the attached plugin code, ignore the bad coding, because I am noobie in python.

import sublime, sublime_plugin
import os
import re
import fnmatch

STEPS_FOLDER = r’C:\th\thx\repo\juice-test\juice-test-behaviour\src\main\java\com\thunderhead\juice\integration\jbehave\steps’

class AutoCompleteJbehaveCollector(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
“”" Autocompletes steps “”"
files_list = None
all_steps_list = None
all_steps_parsed_list = None

def __init__(self):
	self.files_list = ]
	self.all_steps_list = ]
	self.all_steps_parsed_list = ]

def get_java_steps_files(self, dir_name):
	""" Get all the java steps files """
	for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_name):
		for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, "*"):
			self.files_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
	return self.files_list

def get_all_steps(self):
	""" Returns a list of @When('I click on button $button') lines' """
	if len(self.files_list) == 0:
	for file in self.files_list:
		with open(file) as java_step_class:
			for line in java_step_class:
				if re.match(r'\s*@(When|Then|Given)', line):

def remove_characters_from_java_step(self, java_step):				
	return java_step.replace('@', '').replace('\"', '').replace('(', ' ').replace(')', ' ')

def remove_characters_from_java_steps(self):
	""" Returns a list of When I click on button $button lines' """
	for step in self.all_steps_list:

def get_autocomplete_list(self, prefix):
	autocomplete_list = ]		
	for step in self.all_steps_parsed_list:			
		if step.startswith(prefix):
	return autocomplete_list

def on_post_save(self, view):		

def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, location):
	completions = ]						
	if '.story' in view.file_name():		
		completions = self.get_autocomplete_list(prefix)	
		print("prefix:" + prefix)
		print("len:" + str(len(completions)))								
		return completions[/code]

Could you show me a sample, how to show a static list in the autocompletion, for example:

def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, location): if '.story' in view.file_name(): return ('qwerty', 'sublime')

Thank you for helping