Sublime Forum

Change Window Focus.. move view to another Window?


I discovered a kind of hack to switch the focus to another Window:

# imagine "view" has focus in window 1, and "_view" resides in window 2, the following will change the focus to window 2 from window 1 _view.window().focus_view(_view) _view.window().run_command('focus_neighboring_group') _view.window().focus_view(_view) _

Now… I wonder if there is some way to “move” a tab/view to another window? I know that I can close the current file and opening it in the other window, problem is that what I need is a clone of the file. So I would like to be able to move cloned tabs to other windows… or clone tabs that reside in other windows… Any hint?

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Hello, 2014. Has anyone discovered a way to move a (cloned) tab to another window? Would be really nice to have.