Sublime Forum

"Review the Travis CI test results on pull request" Where?



I’ve submitted my new package to Package Control through a pull request using my fork of package_control_channel. The documentation says “Review the Travis CI test results on your pull request”.

Where do I see these results from Travis?

Thank you.



Hi there,

[size=120]How to find the Travis CI test results after issuing a pull request during the submission process of a Sublime Text package to Sublime Package Control:[/size]

] Go to wbond/package_control_channel:]
] Click on Pull Requests. Direct link:]
] Click on the link to your commit, which will probably be the top one if you just issued the request./]
] The Travis CI results are shown below your pull request message - brightly highlighted in green (passed) or red (failed)./]
] Hopefully it will say: All is well — The Travis CI build passed./]
] Note: On the Pull Requests page: green tick = passed, red cross = failed./]

Hope this helps. :mrgreen:

P.S. I’m answering this very late but I found the thread after searching for the same question. Having worked out where they are, I’m adding the answer here so that others searching for it can find them easily.