Sublime Forum

Japanese input doesn't work on OS X, will it ever?



I follow the development of Sublime Text with interest, but since it does not support Japanese text editing on the Mac, it’s not something I can use for work.

Is this a limitation due to the current alpha state, and something that is planned to be supported? (I mean not just Japanese, but Korean, Chinese, etc.)

It does appear to at least support display of multilingual text, which is more than I can say for some editors (cough, textmate).



Support for Japanese input on OS X will be improving in the future. I’m not sure when, but I’ll try to take a look at in soon.



Additionally i hope…;
. “Inline input” with Japanese IME. < currently not inline. is it only on Windows ?
. Full support of Japanese characters (it can’t display some symbol chars now).
// maybe multi(separates alphabet and Japanese chars) font setting can solve it.
. Word shift(?) with Ctrl+RightArrow key in Japanese. (it jumps line end now :frowning: )
. Support of some Japanese character encoding (SJIS, EUC-JP).
. Japanese menu text. (Should I directly edit .sublime-menu files ?)




CJK input support should be much improved in 2077 - let me know if there are any issues.

As knoajp mentioned though, there are still several outstanding issues for proper CJK support in other areas of the application.



Please don’t intercept a tab character while inputting Japanese. With Google IME, a tab plays a role as a down arrow key which selects the next candidate.



Japanese input doesn’t work on Linux (Ubuntu) either (IBus with Anthy - Japanese).
It prevents me from using Sublime for work, because I had to copy Japanese text from other editors, which is annoying.
Otherwise Sublime would be a great editor on Linux.