Sublime Forum

Indent Guides

  • Download the source file from the link in the first post.

  • In Sublime Text 2, go to Preferences>Browse Packages…

  • Put the file you downloaded in Packages/User/.

  • In Sublime Text 2, open up the file you downloaded. It has instructions for lines to add to your user file prefs. If you don’t add these lines to that file, nothing will happen (to get to your user file prefs, go to Preferences>User File Prefs).

Let me know if it doesn’t work!



Today I got to work on a clusterfuck of a file with a 76 space indent at one point (38 tabs).
As such, I modified the indent guides plugin a little bit so that it can also highlight the current indent guide.
The idea is that if my cursor is at column 4, all of the indent guides on column 4 are highlighted a slightly different color.
This is super useful if you are trying to balance tags or something, just click before a tag, and scroll down, following the highlighted indent guide.
The modified file is here: …



Nice work! (sorry you have to edit such files, though).
Want to send me a pull request and I’ll integrate it into my repo?



Hmm, idk, it seems to stop working for me every now and then. I have no clue why. It’s a really hard thing to debug because I can add a print statement, but then it reloads the plugin and starts working again. Eugh.

But yea, I didn’t fork your repo, so the diff of the file in mine is just gonna be 100% insertions, so it wouldn’t merge cleanly. In other words, it’s prolly either just to copy and paste it in and look at the diff with git diff.



WOW! Pure awesomeness! Thanks!

But… It seems it doesn’t work on HTML nor JS files. (CSS & Py works ok though)



Yea, there’s definitely a bug, but idk what it is. I’ll debug it throughout the day tomorrow. I think it has something to do with switching views or something, but I’m not sure.



I hacked it a bit (emphasis on hack). Just got it to working well enough for myself.

Made a bunch of style changes inline with PEP 8.
Added an option to enable the active guide highlighting.
Stopped guides from being drawn in selections.
Edited the regex to not draw the guide if it’s up against anything but the end of a line when flush_with_text is on.

Also I think I fixed the bug but no idea why it fixes it. I tracked it down to module reloading and grabbing multiple selections with ctrl+d. Sometimes when the module would get reloaded it wouldn’t call refresh() until their was an actual file modification. Second, for some reason when grabbing multiple selections with ctrl+d the guides would disappear. I fixed it by forcing a refresh() if self.guides was empty after being loaded. Seems it gets emptied erroneously. No idea why though.



I made a real repo for this plugin at I’m going to work on incorporating all your changes hopefully sometime this weekend.



Eugh, I hate it when plugins stop working because someone added a new setting. Such a pain. Personally, I think it is really weird and annoying that most plugins in sublime default to being off. Why would I install a plugin if I didn’t want to use it. Plugins should default to being on.

You need parentheses on line 166. You could have a situation like not True and False which is interpreted as (not True) and False but you want not (True and False) so that it gets in the if.

Also, I don’t like that when I select text, all indent guides go away. I actually used that a good bit in my 76 space indent to select the correct text.



It was 2 in the morning and I was just hacking a bit with what was there.

That refresh only needs to be run when self.guides is empty and self.loaded is True. It was a quick hack to get it working around that odd bug I explained earlier.

I’ll play around with it a bit more and add it as an option and try and cleanup my mess a bit :s



Heh, yea, it’s cool.

The thing I’ve noticed is that it can be a little slow. It’s because of the way regions are done in sublime. What we end up doing is redrawing ALL of the guides every time I type or move the cursor in any way. That is causing lag. I think we need to either a: remove that option or b: move that code to run in a timer so it doesn’t lag while i am typing. In a 5,000 line file, it might add like 20k regions to it. We are iterating through each of them every time and replace all the regions every time the selection changes.



If we could capture when the view changes, we could do it only in the current viewable area. Or if we could capture what changes in the buffer, we could only update lines that change.
Because neither of these things is possible at the moment, I just only edit small files. :stuck_out_tongue:
Seriously though, a timer’s probably a good idea. I might look into doing that over the weekend.



There’s a half decent implementation of a timer here (it executes a callback .1 seconds after the most recent call to on_sel_modified) …



Thanks for the update.

There is any way of setting the highlight color other than editing the theme file? Like a setting or something?



Not really, you basically have to edit the theme.



I updated mine with a couple changes. I merged Anomareh’s changes, crudely disabled hiding indent guides in selections and changed it to use dicts instead of lists for cursor positions.

More importantly, for showing the active guide, it now uses the end of whitespace for the line instead of the cursor position. The idea is that if I type , as I am typing, I still want the active indent guide to show up at the beginning of the line, not at the end of , doesn’t really make sense there.



Alright, I got around to rewriting it.

It’s bug free as far as I can tell. I don’t think it’s possible to make it really friendly with large files past a timer which I personally find kind of meh. For it to get any better it probably just has to be implemented internally.

Quick run down of the options:

[code]‘indent_guides_enabled’: true
Enables indent guides.

‘indent_guides_max_file_characters’: 524288
The max file size a file is allowed to be and have indent guides.

‘indent_guides_scope’: ‘comment’
The scope name assigned to guides.

‘indent_guides_active_scope’: ‘indent_guides_scope’
The scope name assigned to active guides.

[NOTE] To enable active guides you have to set this option. Active guides
       default to the same scope as inactive guides.

‘indent_guides_hide_in_selection’: true
Indent guides will be hidden within selections.

‘indent_guides_hide_on_line’: true
Indent guides will not be drawn on the current line.

[NOTE] This only applies to empty selections.

‘indent_guides_active_wrap_to_text’: true
If true, the active guide will always be the deepest guide on the cursor’s line.
If false, the active guide will be the guide closest to the left of the cursor.[/code]



@Anomareh, working great for me! Thanks a lot!



@pod Great :]

Also, I just updated it (same link as before Fixed a bug when interacting with the console and also added a check to disable the built-in guides if they’re enabled alongside the plugin.



[quote=“Anomareh”]@pod Great :]

Also, I just updated it (same link as before Fixed a bug when interacting with the console and also added a check to disable the built-in guides if they’re enabled alongside the plugin.[/quote]

So, is this plugin already part of dev build 2104?

"Build 2104
Release Date: 24 August 2011
Added indentation guides. These may be disabled with the draw_indent_guides setting.
