Sublime Forum

Dev Build 2099


That’s what I followed :smile:

Actually turns out that all I had to do was change theme. No idea why :unamused:



PHPDoc highlighting doesn’t seem to be doing anything now :frowning:

And this time, I’ve changed theme and tried it on my co-workers PC.



I get syntax highlighting if I use Monokai or Monokai Bright, but not if I use any of the themes I installed, or some other stock themes.

Sounds like a bug.

I have a lot of custom themes and keybindings, so I’m not going to reinitialize my userdata; I’ll just wait 'til the bug is fixed and deal with Monokai for a day or two.



I have a syntax highlighting issue with PHP too it no longer highlights variables in double quotes properly.



I have what is effectively an erb file, but it is not highlighting embedded css or tags correctly. No coloring on any tag attributes and no coloring at all for css. Tag names show up as yellow, but thats it. I am using the Dobdark tmtheme. I also added rules to highlight annotations in javascript :frowning:, but those no longer highlight. I changed my theme to give the full scope path and it still didn’t highlight them. I have a screenshot if you need one.

Could you also provide some insight into how scopes are actually ranked against various scope selectors. Is it done more or less like css?

Also, would it be possible to have a version of ctrl+alt+shift+p that does not disappear after 5 seconds? It’s so annoying when I am trying to type the scope and it disappears :smile:. Also, would it be possible to have a keybind to print the color of the current text, or at least the theme rule that it is using? The reason is sometimes I like to copy a color from one section of my theme to another, but I’m not sure which color it is. Without a theme editor it is really hard to figure it out?



I’m getting a behavior I never noticed before with the find panel:

While the find panel is open, I can still edit my document, except for the “enter” key. Now the enter key is always passed to the “Find” button… previously I thought this happens only when the blinking cursor is active in the find panel.

Also, when I hit “Find all”, the find panel disappears. I thought I used to hit “Find all” and then “Replace all” without re-activating the find panel.

[edit: this is actually dev 2098, i haven’t used 2099 yet]



Found another issue with highlighting. When creating a new php file it doesn’t apply any syntax highlighting.



Another theme-related bug-- I use one (Tomorrow-Night) which works great. For Widget.sublime-settings, I set the syntax to a .tmLanguage file based on Python, which colors the console’s output. Now (after this release), it doesn’t. But if I switch themes, it works again. Weird.

Edit: confirmed, I went back to 2098 and it works right off the bat.




Oh awesome! Wanted these for ages. This is great.[/quote]

I agree, I’ve been wanting this too. I’ll rewrite my css sorter semi soon.



found an issue with vintage. c + w to clear a word like SOME_VALUE it stops when it reaches _ but in vim it will clear the whole word.



ajpalkovic: thanks for the useful bug report - the issue is fixed now in 2100. Color scheme rules were being applied in the opposite order they should have been, so the least specific rule was taking precedence.

The selector scoring rule is essentially rightmost longest: the rightmost space separated portion, and then matching the longest portion of this. e.g., for the scope “source.c++ comment.c”, selectors would rank in this order:

source.c++ comment.c
source comment.c
source comment



Thanks as always for the steady stream of releases and for listening to our feedback. The use of the glyphs in the Find panel tooltips is much appreciated.

I found two problems in 2099:

  1. When I bring up the Find and Replace panel (super+alt+f), there are blinking cursors in both the find and replace fields, but only the find field has focus.

  2. Unindent is broken with multiple lines. Here are screenshots of before and after.


  • Aparajita


As I knew it would, the bug was fixed in a day. Buying today.

Also, Tomorrow is my new theme (thanks, whoever posted that!). Espresso Tutti was my last, and is an all-time classic.



Thanks, it looks fixed. And my css is finally colored ‘correctly’ :smile: I was always too lazy to fix up my theme for sublime, but now I don’t have to. It looks a million times better.



Found another bug to do with indenting:



Please don’t post videos videos, unless they’re about an animation related issue.



Can you explain why not? I find screencasts help show exactly what is going on. Ever heard the expression, a picture is worth a thousand words? Well I find a “videos videos” is worth a million. Count me out of reporting any more bugs or submitting patches to plugins if that’s the response I get back.




Can you explain why not? I find screencasts help show exactly what is going on. Ever heard the expression, a picture is worth a thousand words? Well I find a “videos videos” is worth a million. Count me out of reporting any more bugs or submitting patches to plugins if that’s the response I get back.[/quote]

I’m not sure why you’re getting so hostile toward Jon. He just doesn’t like having to decipher what’s going on in videos (what the user is doing, what is the expected behavior, etc.). It makes his job easier if you transcribe the issue without leaving everything up to him for interpretation. I see no reason why you should take this harshly. Sorry if I missed something. @jps, keep out the good work. I love st2.




Can you explain why not? I find screencasts help show exactly what is going on. Ever heard the expression, a picture is worth a thousand words? Well I find a “videos videos” is worth a million. Count me out of reporting any more bugs or submitting patches to plugins if that’s the response I get back.

I’m not sure why you’re getting so hostile toward Jon. He just doesn’t like having to decipher what’s going on in videos (what the user is doing, what is the expected behavior, etc.). It makes his job easier if you transcribe the issue without leaving everything up to him for interpretation. I see no reason why you should take this harshly. Sorry if I missed something. @jps, keep out the good work. I love st2.[/quote]

I wasn’t meaning to sound hostile, just a little annoyed at how brash he was when I don’t have to take the time out of my day to report things. If he put it how you did, I would have understood completely. If you look at my other posts i’m always giving him praise for the quick updates, which is something a of people don’t take the time to do either.



@ceej I agree with Jon here, actually. A lot of people have been posting videos and screencasts recently to report errors and it is quite annoying. I think that explaining what is going wrong and providing him with a way to reproduce it is much more effective than sending some cryptic video. If you aren’t able to put your problem into words and provide a way to reproduce it, how can you expect Jon to be able to fix it? Videos only make sense when you need to show an issue related to animation in Sublime, for example the sliding in of files in the sidebar. There aren’t many aspects of sublime that would require a video to explain. That said, videos can be very useful to show off the features of Sublime to a new user.

Even though you “don’t have to take the time out of [your] day to report things”, you are using a beta version of the software and you are part of the Sublime community. Most applications have strict rules regarding how to report bugs, but Jon is pretty flexible. Maybe try to meet him half way. Having to decipher some random screencast only wastes valuable time that could be put to better use making Sublime even better :smile: