Sublime Forum

Build file not building!


I’ve created the following build file:

{ "cmd": "multimarkdown", "--to=html", "--output=$file_path/$file_base_name.html", "$file"], "selector": "" }

however, I get the following when I run the Build:

[Errno 2] No such file or directory

In the console it reads:

Running multimarkdown --to=html --output=/Users/<user>/Dropbox/Work/DWP/Process/AMM/AMM.html /Users/<user>/Dropbox/Work/DWP/Process/AMM/

( is intentionally replaced)
When I run that command on the command line, it runs successfully, however it does not run when initiated from the editor.

Any ideas?




Use an absolute path in cmd. You’re most likely getting that error because your shell’s PATH and your system-wide PATH are different.

Also, you can use the “path” element in a build sys to add paths to the subprocess PATH, so you don’t need to change your system settings.