Sublime Forum

Package Control: A full-featured package manager


Package Control 1.1.2 is out with improved handling of custom git and hg paths, better git_binary and hg_binary error messaging and C:\cygwin\bin is now also searched when running on Windows.



If Package Control is no longer working after restarting Sublime Text or upgrading to build 2103, it is due to a bug on my part with the upgrade procedure. Package Control simply needs to be reinstalled by following the install instructions. Version 1.1.3 has fixed the bug, so you should not need to repeat this process again.



Kronuz was very receptive to the idea of renaming his fork, which is now called SublimeLinter. Both SublimeLinter (by Kronuz) and SublimeLint (by lunixbochs) are now available via Package Control.



And what are the differences between them?



I uploaded SublimeWebColors to GitHub so you can install with the package manager :smile:



From what I understand the internals are different between the two, and some people have indicated that performance varies between the two. SublimeLinter includes Objective-J support. sublimelint is turned on all the time, while SublimeLinter has to be turned on and can be run manually.

I has to mess around with my php ini settings before they started working since short_open_tag was off locally. Both seemed to “just work” for Python, but SublimeLinter includes PEP8 checking by default. I believe it can be disabled.

For more information you can use the Discover Packages commend and visit the pages.



It has been added to the default channel. Just don’t forget to add a key binding for us linux users! The same one as Windows is usually appropriate.




to GitHub so you can install with the package manager :smile:

It has been added to the default channel. Just don’t forget to add a key binding for us linux users! The same one as Windows is usually appropriate.[/quote]

Sweet! Thanks. I’ll get a Linux one committed now.



SublimeLinter uses a queue, sublimelint uses a single thread runner.

I would like to see some metrics on this. I did some testing and could not detect any difference is speed. If there are speed issues we would like to know.

SublimeLinter is turned on via a user setting. You just have to change the setting once to have SublimeLinter always on.

It can be disabled, along with any of the checkers. I think in the current version or an upcoming version it will be off by default. You can also disable particular pep8 error messages.

In general SublimeLinter is much more configurable. If anyone is having issues with it, please file an issue in the github issue tracker and we will fix it.



I really want to like SublimeLinter, but it slows my machine to an absolute crawl. On a MacBook Pro (2.6ghz w/ 8 gbs of RAM) running Snow Leopard. I can type a sentence, and watch my cursor as it slowly echoes out what I just typed. I don’t know how to file an issue that speaks to this. I uninstall the plugin, it’s back to normal. Re-install, and it slows down again. This does not happen with SublimeLint.



Even time I update Sublime (it seems). All the package manager options disappear from the CTRL shift P menu and are no where to be found. I have to run the install again. Is this normal?

Windows 7 64bit



[quote=“firefusion”]Even time I update Sublime (it seems). All the package manager options disappear from the CTRL shift P menu and are no where to be found. I have to run the install again. Is this normal?

Windows 7 64bit[/quote]

There was a bug in up to version 1.1.3 that would cause this to happen. Sublime Text 2 would delete Package Control whenever it was fully closed and then opened again. It should be fixed now. If it happens again, please let me know.



@joaodrp, yes SublimeLinter uses a queue, which in theory should make it more responsive… particularly for larger files, but shorter files are also queued anyway. This is an option that might need some tweaking and perhaps we should have different linking timings for different file sizes (perhaps detecting the best automatically).

@aparajita, about the queue, if you navigate your file or change the cursor position that will prevent the queue from executing the linting of the code… this is because for large files being linted, if you change something and then you start moving around very quickly to change something else in the same file, the linting would kick in the middle, making the editor laggy for a bit while you move around (as I said, this is particularly noticeable in large or very large files being linted)

These and other things, like PEP 8, different configurable colors for different error levels, and more configuration flexibility are the differences between SublimeLint and SublimeLinter.



What file type are you editing? How big is the file?



I keep getting this message when I try to install Package Control (Mac OS X): urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 64] Host is down>
the hostname seems fine (“”) and I can access the resource from my browser fine… just that urllib2 throws that exception. Any ideas?

EDIT: My mistake, it was the firewall blocking the ST2 app from accessing the internet… duh!



Is there a way to give the auto_upgrade when ST2 start a delay between each run.
For something like: upgrade at most every 24 hours. I don’t need dozen upgrade check each days.
There is a cache_length settings but I don’t think it’s what I need.

Package Control is really an amazing piece of software, thanks wbond for it.



[quote=“bizoo”]Is there a way to give the auto_upgrade when ST2 start a delay between each run.
For something like: upgrade at most every 24 hours. I don’t need dozen upgrade check each days.
There is a cache_length settings but I don’t think it’s what I need.

Package Control is really an amazing piece of software, thanks wbond for it.[/quote]

In version 1.2.0 it is now possible to set the minimum frequency between auto upgrades via the auto_upgrade_frequency setting, which defaults to 12 (hours).




[quote=“bizoo”]Is there a way to give the auto_upgrade when ST2 start a delay between each run.
For something like: upgrade at most every 24 hours. I don’t need dozen upgrade check each days.
There is a cache_length settings but I don’t think it’s what I need.

Package Control is really an amazing piece of software, thanks wbond for it.[/quote]

In version 1.2.0 it is now possible to set the minimum frequency between auto upgrades via the auto_upgrade_frequency setting, which defaults to 12 (hours).[/quote]

Nice, thanks for this update.

BTW, I experienced some issue with this update (with ST2 update in the same time):
-An infinite loop at the first launch (something with thread). There was 4 automatic upgrade when it happened (sublimelint, package control, …), so it could be another plugin.
-A crash with the update command.
Now it look that everything work fine.
Sorry not to be able to give you more information, if it happens again I will look closer at the issue.



Small issue:

class PanelPrinter(): ... def __init__(self): ... self.window = sublime.active_window()
return None when ST2 start.

startup, version: 2112 windows x64 channel: dev ... Reloading plugin C:\Users\dwahli\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\ZenCoding\ Reloading plugin C:\Users\dwahli\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\ZenCoding\ Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\Package", line 1744, in <lambda> File ".\Package", line 1682, in __init__ File ".\Package", line 1229, in __init__ File ".\Package", line 661, in __init__ File ".\Package", line 30, in get File ".\Package", line 36, in __init__ AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_output_panel' loading bindings loading pointer bindings ...



[quote=“bizoo”]Small issue:

class PanelPrinter(): ... def __init__(self): ... self.window = sublime.active_window()
return None when ST2 start.

startup, version: 2112 windows x64 channel: dev ... Reloading plugin C:\Users\dwahli\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\ZenCoding\ Reloading plugin C:\Users\dwahli\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\ZenCoding\ Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\Package", line 1744, in <lambda> File ".\Package", line 1682, in __init__ File ".\Package", line 1229, in __init__ File ".\Package", line 661, in __init__ File ".\Package", line 30, in get File ".\Package", line 36, in __init__ AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_output_panel' loading bindings loading pointer bindings ...[/quote]

Yes, it appears there is a startup issue that I did not catch. It seems to happen sometimes on Windows and pretty much every time on OS X. Version 1.2.2 should fix it.