Sublime Forum

SublimeText Organization at GitHub!


[quote=“charlesroper”]Hi AJ,

I’ve probably misunderstood, but plugins can be stored in any folder under %APPDATA%\Packages can’t they? They don’t need to be stored in %APPDATA%\Packages\User. I’ve cloned wbond’s Alignment plugin/package/command into %APPDATA%\Packages\Alignment. Nothing needs to go in User.

I have to admit I’m a bit confused as to the distinction between a ‘plugin’ vs a ‘command’ vs a ‘package’.[/quote]

I had tried to use folders in the User package, but not as a separate package. I’ve since moved all my plugins into a separate package (and github repo) ( Thanks.



Quite a while ago I had tried creating a zip file with a filename .sublime-package and it didn’t seem to work with ST2. I just saw your message @guillermooo, so I will try out your code.

I do think that having every little command in its own package is a good thing. What would be useful is some way through ST2 to discover and select packages to install/update. I’m relatively new to python programming, so I don’t know what the current best practice is, but something like sublime_easy_install would be awesome.

I like the suggestions about the repo names for packages being CamelCase, however for discoverability I’ve added the work “sublime” to each repository/package name. This github organization should help some. I’ve also considered setting up a website for plugins. Perhaps it could pull metadata from the github organization and present it in a nice search-engine-friendly way.

To potentially further complicate the situation, I’ve also been spending a lot of time on a package I intend to sell for a small fee. Right now I think I’d like to have a little more friction between someone just downloading it on Github and not ever paying, but I would like to keep with the ST model and allow for an extended trial period. Perhaps this is something I’ll just need to work out on my own.




As of yesterday, I can no longer push to the SublimeText/LaTeXTools repo! This is a problem, as there are a couple of urgent fixes I need to apply.

I noticed that yesterday I was added to the “developers” team, and that I have access to 5 repos… but NOT to LaTeXTools. Can someone (guillermoo) please fix this ASAP!

I like the idea of having a single org for SublimeText plugins, but if this becomes too much of a hassle, I will have to fork the plugin to a repo that I maintain directly.




Hi Marciano,

I have next to no idea how to use the org features at GitHub. I’ve tried my best, but I believe too many people have access to the repo now. You should try to talk to barneywilliams (Greg Williams). He did the initial setup and is more familiar with how it works. Let me know whether I can do anything else, though.



Thanks—Greg already replied to an email I sent him via github. Hopefully he will straighten things out…



Actually, whatever you or Greg did worked—I am now able to push again.

I think this has to do with the creation of a “Developers” group. Up until this afternoon, I was a member of the Developers group, but LaTeXTools was not a repository “controlled” by Developers. It now is.

Again, I have access back, so whatever you/Greg did, Thanks!!!




Just joined the party with



Might be a need for another plugin here. We might need something to display all the current keybindings and where they are sourced from. I can see where conflicts can arise by chance.

An example that I like is gnu screen, if you remap keybindings in your .screenrc, the help screen reflect the default + your mods.



Not trying to be difficult , but I am missing the point of the organization. I like the idea of a registry of plugins (ala wbonds json file) but I do not see the benefit in having 19 admins (that do not know each other) for these 20 odd repos.



[quote=“slestak989”]Might be a need for another plugin here. We might need something to display all the current keybindings and where they are sourced from. I can see where conflicts can arise by chance.

An example that I like is gnu screen, if you remap keybindings in your .screenrc, the help screen reflect the default + your mods.[/quote]

I could not agree more, I’ve no clue how to pull it off though. There is no automatic way of doing this as far as I know, you could do it manually but somebody has to keep looking for new bindings in that case.



Hey guys,

I have just joined this organization and I do not want to be a Robin Williams in Vietnam but wouldn’t it be nice if we created a repo just for communication? We could ask things via Issues and people have the option to opt out. We could use a mailing group (which I can volunteer to set up on my web server) however Issues on github would be public and have the option to be referred to and flagged as closed or tagged and what not.

I could provide a opt-out-able mailing system too, however since we are already on github we could use the system there and grow the organization into a little knowledge base…

All of this comes from me looking for a way to ask others on github and to be able to attach code on github or even link issues from our plugin repos.

Do you like the idea? It couldn’t hurt right?



I must say I do not dislike this idea. Issues on github are well-conneted with other issues on github by cross-linking other repos and stuff and all in all this seems like the place where “SublimeText” coders can communicate and discuss on problems or something.

I’d also like to mention the #sublimetext IRC channel on freenode where I and several others are helping people with being sublime. You should check there too and you can also discuss small or urgent things there.



Great idea, a suggestion board.



It’s actually more than that



I’m new to github, python and sublime plugins, so this may be a silly question, buuutt: if I switch my plugin over to this sublimetext packaged github, is it no longer mine? What all am I transferring over? What happens to all my existing issues for the plugin? who can edit my repository after the switch?



I wouldn’t bother moving over - the org was created in the pre-Package Control days, and I’m not sure it has much purpose anymore.






I think we should remove ST2 support from packages that are compatible with ST3, this way more people will really support this project by buying a license. What do you think?



I will not stop supporting ST2 until ST3 has a stable release - except when it’s a real pain but that hasn’t happened so far.



Some time ago, I announced my support for ST2 would only carry to the release of ST3. When ST3 is offical, I will no longer be supporting ST2. Too much work. With that said, I think if I started getting donations to fund the plugins, I would continue supporting them. I’ve considered cutting off ST2 support before ST3 is official because of all the extra work, but I am a nice guy :smile:.

Edit: I should state that the my plan is to move the ST2 versions to some archive. I don’t plan on just deleting them, but no more bug fixes or enhancements etc.