Sublime Forum

OS X: Double-clicking *.sublime-project doesn't open project


Double-clicking a *.sublime-project file in OS X Finder, opens the .sublime-project file as a text file instead of opening the actual project. Currently, I have to open project files from inside Sublime Text.

As a request, I’d also like to add a proposition to remove the (project) file extension in the Switch Project window from the listed items. It makes for much easier readability, especially when you are in a rush :wink: Rationale: these extensions are already shown in the actual (project) file paths.




I agree that opening the sublime-project file should open the project. The other text editors I’ve used (on Mac OS) work this way.

I don’t care as much about the extensions in the Switch Project window, but it does make the names harder to read when the extension is longer than the project name (which is most of the time).