Sublime Forum

[CSS, theme] use real colors to highlight colors props


Its located in default folder - Packages\Color Scheme - Default
And about that, what does latest commit mean?



Commit means: latest code submitted to Github.

So when I say latest, I just mean most recent code. The current code isn’t really released by versions, so that is what I mean.



Oh that, yes i downloaded it maybe 15 minutes ago, and after that i posted the image.
It says there it was updated 2 days ago, it is this one right?



Yeah, you probably have the latest, can you look at your console output and see if there are any errors there? If so, post them here. I have a couple of bug fixes I will be pull-requesting myself. If there are more, maybe I can add them when I pull request again.



This is the error, but it actually shows the same error 4 times in the console (in 4 rows)

Sublime Text 2
Error loading colour scheme Packages/D:\Documents and Settings\Risk0\Application Data\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Color Scheme - Default\Colorized-809529171364770-Putty.tmTheme: Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file In file "Packages/D:\Documents and Settings\Risk0\Application Data\Sublime Text 2\Packages\Color Scheme - Default\Colorized-809529171364770-Putty.tmTheme"


Oh, I wonder why it is looking in “**Packages/**D:\Document Settings…”. I wonder why Packages is before your D: drive. I am not even sure how that happens. If I can figure out how to reproduce it, I will try and fix it. But I have run this on Mac, Windows and have not yet seen this issue.



Well yea i noticed that too, its kinda weird. Wish i knew python so i could help a somehow cause i like this plugin :neutral_face:



Is there anything peculiar about your setup? Is it a traditional install of Sublimte Text 2, or a Portable, or anything non-standard about how it was installed?



I think its dev version actually, may that be the problem? Or maybe some of the plugins i have installed or something like that?



I am using dev too. There must be something off with the logic to determine path to color-scheme file. I will look at what Ask is doing in that area, and see if I see anything. Maybe I will get to it tonight. I am sure Ask will also be looking into to this as well.



Thanks, hope it will be easy fix and i will be able to use this plugin :smile:



Any news?



I did find some general theme management bugs, but I am not sure if they will fix your issues or not. I have created a pull request. If you are still having issues after trying it with the new fixes, I can look deeper.



Yep, still having the same error :confused:



I will take a look at it. I am sure Ask will be looking too.



Still nothing?



I am not able to reproduce the issue yet. It seems to be something that happens only on rare occasions; Also, I am not a web developer by trade, but do firmware stuff, so the chances of me reproducing this issue is far less, since using CSS doesn’t often crop up in my day to day coding activities; only in hobby projects do I use CSS. I am not the lead developer on this either; I am only someone who uses this plugin. I kept thinking Ask would be looking into it, but he is probably busy; all development has been quiet on his end.

If I could figure out what combination of events causes this issue, I could fix it, but like I said, I cannot seem to make it do what you have described. Not on Linux, Windows, or Mac. Since this is not my plugin, finding the issue has been very low priority for me since all is working on my end.

It is possible I could put a safe guard on all instances where the path is assembled to ensure path integrity. This may be the way to go because it doesn’t require me to determine exactly where the issue is, but bandage it if it is detected. Ideally though, it would be nice to discover why the path pieces are not as expected on your system, and patch this issue properly.



Oh yea i understand.
So will you try to do this way you explained here? Or you are leaving it to Ask?
Because really, its one of those plugins i really would like to use for sublime, since i use CSS alot and it would come in handy :smile:



I will take a stab at it on an experimental branch. I will let you test off that, I can tweak that until we get something working. I should be able to have something going before the new year, but I won’t make any promises.

What I come up with here might not go on the main branch because essentially what I will be providing is a quick and dirty workaround. Eventually the root of the problem will have to be dug up. I will be patching the symptom but not the cause.



Okay thanks, ill wait :smile:
Let me know when its done so i can test it :wink:

Anyway Merry Christmas to you :smile: