Sublime Forum

New language files (xys) - a few problems



I discovered Sublime Text yesterday and it has a few features that I really like (and that are missing in other text editors).
So I want to extend it a bit and because I’m writing *.xys scripts most of the time (these belong to XYplorer, a very good
file manager with scripting capabilities) I’d like to add the necessary files to Sublime Text.

The first minor problem:

A part of the XYS.tmLanguage file:

[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

fileTypes xys name XYS patterns name variable.xys match \$[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+ scopeName source.xys [/code]

I’m currently using the Mac Classic color theme and it contains this entry:

<dict> <key>name</key> <string>Variable</string> <key>scope</key> <string>variable.language, variable.other</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>fontStyle</key> <string>italic</string> <key>foreground</key> <string>#1209030</string> </dict> </dict>

I’ve read the documentation for “Scopes” and I hope I got it right.

What I expect to see: Every variable ($xxx) should have a brown text color and an italic font style but
none of the variables in a .xys script is colored in that way. I have a few more entries in tmLanguage
file and those are working fine.
It it a regex problem?

Second problem:
I’ve created a snippet, saved under “D:\Users\Highend\Tools\Sublime Text\Data\Packages\XYS\if.sublime-snippet”.

<snippet> <description>Case Expression</description> <content><![CDATA[ if(){ $ } ]]></content> <tabTrigger>if</tabTrigger> <scope>source.xys</scope> </snippet>

If I type “if” I get the tooltip with e.g.: “if Case Expression” but hitting return or tab deletes the if and doesn’t
replace it with the full snippet expression.

Please bare with me, the learning curve of Sublime Text seems a bit steep for the beginner (especially if english isn’t your motherlanguage)…




Your scope is “variable.xys”, while the selector is “variable.language, variable.other”: this won’t match. One option is to change your assigned scope to “variable.other.xys”, which will then match the selector.



Thank you, jps.

After changing the scope name it works as expected.

I was able to fix the snippet as well and btw, snippets with the possibility to jump to different positions via tab are just awesome.
