Sublime Forum

LaTeXTools: Errors on Windows x64


Note: Technical writeup mainly intended for Marciano, but feel free to read it/give ideas if you’d like! :mrgreen:

I’m running Sublime Text portable with Windows Vista 64-bit, and the latest version of LaTeXTools. I’m attempting to switch to Sublime Text as my LaTeX editor, but it’s not going very well.

I grab a fresh copy of LaTeXTools through Package Control, configure inverse search with SumatraPDF, verify that the MikTeX distribution is active, and make sure my LaTeX file and path contain no spaces. I note that my MikTeX path is C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64, which is different than for 32-bit machines. However, this is stored correctly in my PATH, so it shouldn’t be an issue.

I run Build (CTRL-ALT-T) on a LaTeX file (in a different directory). I get no build output, no PDF, and the following console errors:

Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\", line 259, in run_ File ".\", line 393, in run TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects
Line 393 is:

print self.make_cmd + [self.file_name]

Unfortunately, I’m not very familiar with either Python or the Sublime package API. After two hours of chasing dead ends, I realize that self.make_cmd is empty. I look up and find the assignment:

# Get parameters from sublime-build file: self.make_cmd = cmd
cmd is also empty, even though I assume it should have been defined in LaTeX.sublime-build. I have not altered that file at all. Here is the relevant snippet:

"cmd": "latexmk", "-e", "\\$pdflatex = 'pdflatex %O -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %S'", //"-silent", "-f", "-pdf"],
I’ve tried commenting out the print statement, but that doesn’t solve the underlying problem. I toyed with defining self.make_cmd within, but that feels fragile, and I get the feeling that %O and %S require preprocessing by Sublime Text.

Any suggestions?



Two things. First, you need to use the default build command keybinding, Ctrl+B. The Ctrl+Alt+t binding is a remnant of an earlier, simpler era :smile: in which I didn’t use the sublime-build file at all. That’s the reason why your configuration doesn’t get picked up.

Second, in any case, as the comments in the sublime-build file indicate, the relevant section for you is the one for MikTeX. You may have to set your path there (then again, you may not: try the default config first).

I’ll remove the old keybinding right away. Sorry for the confusion!