Sublime Forum

Clicking tab does not select buffer (across layout columns)


Within a layout group, I can click a tab to activate that buffer and start editing. If I click a tab from another group, however, nothing happens. The expected behavior is to activate the clicked tab. This also applies when clicking in the Sublime window from another program.



As an update to this, I’ve found that the issue only arises when selecting a forward buffer.

For example:

Tab one has initial focus. If from tab one I click to either of tabs two or four, the focus will switch to the appropriate buffer. If I click the tab for tab three, however, the focus does not change. Clicking in the buffer/view area does change focus, but clicking the tab/title does not.



I was just going to post this same issue



Just noticed that this was fixed, at latest in the 2191 nightly. Thanks Jon! :smile: