Sublime Forum

Addition to CSS zen coding


Sorry, this is better - Iā€™ve move the comment marks /* */ out of the field, so that completions donā€™t keep popping up all the time (which is very annoying):

<snippet> <content><![CDATA[/* ${1:abbrev} : ${1/(abbrev)|.*(?:\b| )((a)|(b)|(c)|(d)|(f)|(h)|(l)|(m)|(p)|(r)|(s)|(t)|(v)|(w)|(z)).?$|.*/?1:Type two letters:?3:ABsolute:?4:BOttom BorderWidth:?5:CLIp COlor CUrsor CLear:?6:DIsplay:?7:Font-Family FIxed FLoat FOnt:?8:HEight:?9:LEft:?10:MArgin:?11:PAdding POsition:?12:RElative RIght:?13:STatic:?14:TOp:?15:VIsibility:?16:WIdth:?17:Z-Index/i} */${1/\\|abbrev|(?:\b| )([abcdfhlmpr]{1}|(AB)|(BO)|(BW)|(CLI)|(CO)|(CU)|(CL)|(DI)|(FF)|(FI)|(FL)|(FO)|(HE)|(LE)|(MA)|(PA)|(PO)|(RE)|(RI)|(ST)|(TO)|(VI)|(WI)|(ZI)|([0-9]*)(cm|em|ex|in|mm|pt|pc|px|\%)4)(?: |$)|( {2,}|\t)/?2:absolute:?3:;\nbottom\: :?4:;\nborder-width\: :?5:;\nclip\: :?6:;\ncolor\: :?7:;\ncursor\: :?8:;\nclear\: :?9:;\ndisplay\: :?10:;\nfont-family\: :?11:fixed:?12:;\nfloat\: :?13:;\nfont\: :?14:;\nheight\: :?15:;\nleft\: :?16:;\nmargin\: :?17:;\npadding\: :?18:;\nposition\: :?19:relative:?20:;\nright\: :?21:static:?22:;\ntop\: :?23:;\nvisibility\: :?24:;\nwidth\: :?25:;\nz-index\: :?26:$26$27 $27 $27 $27/gi} ]]></content> <tabTrigger>propx</tabTrigger> <scope>source.css</scope> <description>po to, etc</description> </snippet>



Very interested here, Iā€™m keeping an eye on this thread.
It would be nice to be able to delete the commented first line after your finished though. I have a very strict comment code for my filesā€¦ :
And a possibility to add normal css tags and values, because not all tags are supported as of now. Suppose I want to add ā€œborder: 12pxā€, typing that would cause the propx conversion of the abbreviations to stopā€¦

nevermind the line deleting, STā€™s ā€œctrl+lā€ doest that just fine.



Hello dreagan.

There are no border properties as yet, although there are a few values such as ā€˜relativeā€™, ā€˜absoluteā€™. I can create abbreviations such as bor, bbc, etc., and a collection of standard values, such as ā€˜noneā€™, ā€˜autoā€™, ā€˜mediumā€™. Iā€™ll look at this tonight.

Iā€™m just wondering if there is a size limitation to one Snippet(?). Andy.



Have you considered implementing the expansion of the lightweight syntax, which seems to be the cool part, as a plugin with an input panel?

You have to open a panel and press enter to commit but thatā€™s round about as expensive as propx->tab yeah?

(Note you can also use the insert_snippet command to insert snippets )

You wouldnā€™t have to worry about commenting or cleaning up the abbreviation.

Also, if you implemented it as an on_change, (possibly) undo last expansion and expand type thing, youā€™d get more immediate feedback.

You could implement fuzzy matching too. I like the lightweight syntax but the regex seems like a gimick to me.



@castles_made_of_sand Hello.

I havenā€™t delved into plug-ins (or Python) as yet, but Iā€™m planning to. Iā€™ve had this Python book for ages but Iā€™m too lazy to read itā€¦ I think I can pretty much grab what I need just be reading some existing files.

Iā€™ve squeezed these regular expressions quite a bit, but Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a little life there yetā€¦ But I should probably give up searching (for the sake of my sanity).

Regards, Andy,



This is coming along quite nicely - I even managed to incorporate a negative-lookbehind, whehay!

I managed to incorporate a 3 or 4 multiplier in pretty much one statement :sunglasses:. That is, if you type: 12px3
it will give: 12px px px

but 12px4 adds the extra px. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll bother with 2, itā€™s just as easy to type both.

Iā€™ve put all the borders in as well. bo border, bl border-left, bc border-color, etc. If you type bb-color (or bb-style, bb-width) it will add these terms after border-bottom. You have to type color/width/style in full, but at least you can create them in situ.

There are still a number of properties missing - including background, and variations on padding and margins - but itā€™s coming along. Itā€™s also cool that the line can be edited - as long as you remain within the field. Once youā€™ve completed, press TAB and then Ctrl-Shift-K to delete the line.

<snippet> <content><![CDATA[/* ${1} : ${1/($)|.*(?:\b| )((\-[a-z]{0,4})|(a)|(b)|((?<!\-)(?:c|co))|(d)|(f)|(h)|(l)|(m)|(p)|(r)|((?<!\-)s)|(t)|(v)|((?<!\-)w)|(z)).?$|.*/?1:Type to for top etc., followed by a space:?3:-color -style -width:?4:ABsolute:?5:BOTtom BOrder BorderBottom BC BL BR BS BT BW -color -style -width:?6:CLIp COlor CUrsor CLear:?7:DIsplay:?8:Font-Family FIxed FLoat FOnt:?9:HEight:?10:LEft:?11:MArgin:?12:PAdding POsition:?13:RElative RIght:?14:STatic:?15:TOp:?16:VIsibility:?17:WIdth:?18:Z-Index/i} */$0${1/\\|abbrev|(?:\b| )([abcdfhlmpr]{1}|(ab)|(bb(\-)(color|style|width)|bb)|(bc)|(bl(\-)(color|style|width)|bl)|(br(\-)(color|style|width)|br)|(bs)|(bt(\-)(color|style|width)|bt)|(bw)|(bot)|(bo)|(cli)|(co)|(cu)|(cl)|(di)|(ff)|(fi)|(fl)|(fo)|(he)|(le)|(ma)|(pa)|(po)|(re)|(ri)|(st)|(to)|(vi)|(wi)|(zi)|([0-9]*)(cm|em|ex|in|mm|pt|pc|px|\%)((4)|3))( |$)|( {2,}|\t)/?2:absolute:?3:;\nborder-bottom$4$5\: :?6:;\nborder-color\: :?7:;\nborder-left$8$9\: :?10:;\nborder-right$11$12\: :?13:;\nborder-style\: :?14:;\nborder-top$15$16\: :?17:;\nborder-width\: :?18:;\nbottom\: :?19:;\nborder\: :?20:;\nclip\: :?21:;\ncolor\: :?22:;\ncursor\: :?23:;\nclear\: :?24:;\ndisplay\: :?25:;\nfont-family\: :?26:fixed:?27:;\nfloat\: :?28:;\nfont\: :?29:;\nheight\: :?30:;\nleft\: :?31:;\nmargin\: :?32:;\npadding\: :?33:;\nposition\: :?34:relative:?35:;\nright\: :?36:static:?37:;\ntop\: :?38:;\nvisibility\: :?39:;\nwidth\: :?40:;\nz-index\: :?41:$41$42 $42 $42:?44: $42/gi}; ]]></content> <tabTrigger>propx</tabTrigger> <scope>source.css</scope> <description>po to, etc</description> </snippet>



I even managed to incorporate a negative-lookbehind, whehay!

And so begins the legend of the propx declaration of 2012



In file with css syntax press ctrl+alt+enter, write something like this pos:a+t+l+d:b this will transform in

position:absolute; top:; left:; display:block;
Same will happen if you will type it inline and press tab.

So maybe it will be easier to adjust existing zen-coding tool to allow something like this pos:a+t{10px}+l{15px}*+d:b*? Right now it is almost working except for values being after ā€˜;ā€™:

position:absolute; top:;10px left:;15px display:block;
Sorry, but I like it much better than propx syntaxā€¦ :unamused:



Actually, in latest version of Zen (unreleased as yet ā€¦ need to find the time) Iā€™ve made a bunch of ergonomic improvements to the as you type including automatically inserting the + on space bar where it makes sense (not in strings)

Fixed that too! I Made a custom filter to modify the nodes to put that in the expected place and the input panel has a bunch of bindings to make inserting and navigating over the punctuation like {} much nicer.

I made it so any semi colons, get automatically remapped to : as an experiment. I much prefer a semicolon there as you donā€™t have to use the shift key. I was pondering changing that in all the snippets directly.

When I was unemployed a while back, I was toying with the idea of charging $3.50 for Zen to make a few dollars. ā€¦ ation.html

I got distracted making testing and grammar dev tools and then got employment :smile: Iā€™ll try and find the time to fix it up and share it but thereā€™s still lots of work to be done.



[quote=ā€œcastles_made_of_sandā€] ā€¦ ation.html[/quote]

Cool stuff man, how can I get this? :smile:



Yeah, itā€™s not finished soz :smile:

I donā€™t really want to be obliged to support something in the case of just a few people buying/donating.

It was just one of those, oh damn, I need some money, stupid ideas.

So, failing that, Iā€™m not sure how much time Iā€™d want or even could could sink into it.

Iā€™m not sure when exactly Iā€™ll get around to finishing/pushing it but I plan to.



Having said that, if thereā€™s enough interest, who knows?



Personally, Iā€™m not attempting to build anything significant with this. ZenCoding is a fantastic feature already. Iā€™m just studying/ dabbling at the moment. If it happens that I create something that others find useful or interesting, then thatā€™s great :smiley:



Dude, keep having fun and experimenting, what itā€™s all about! Fuck the naysayers! Just do what your doing.



Thank you. That was my intention anyway :smiley:



haha, yes of course, sorry, was a bit drunk and confused after a wedding



Iā€™m discovering a lot about regular expressions :sunglasses: . Iā€™ve managed to compact it such that terms such as bb, bbc, brs construct:
border-bottom, border-bottom-color, border-right-style

but the separate words (border, bottom, color) only appear once within the regex expressions. That is, it grabs the term ā€˜borderā€™ and then decides whether it needs to append ā€˜-bottomā€™ and then perhaps ā€˜-colorā€™. (It also means I no longer need to type hyphens.) In a similar way Iā€™ve combined margins with padding. I like this :smiley:

Itā€™s amazing what can be achieved in one Snippet (with a little effortā€¦)! Iā€™m having second thoughts about the help text though, as itā€™s making it a bit verbose. I might change my mind and just have a second snippet (proph) which just produces help text within a css comment, or just abbreviate the help text.

I would still like to be able to put apostrophes or quotes around font names, but they throw everything off(?).

Again, Iā€™m not attempting to substitute for ZenCoding, but I like the idea of a single Snippet being capable of all of this. Regards, Andy.

PS It occurred to me that, using the technique above, I could also provide property-values that are contextual (like ZCā€¦). Iā€™ll probably not do this thoughā€¦



Iā€™ve finished this now (and I can move on!). I think itā€™s in its optimal state for a single Snippet. It includes most of the major properties. You can now type ā€˜porā€™ for ā€˜position: relative;ā€™, etc.

I eventually discovered that the maximum number of variables is 100 (or 99)!

<snippet> <content><![CDATA[/* ${1} : ${1/($)|.*(?:\b| )((b)|(c)|(d)|(e)|(f)|(h)|(l)|(m)|(o)|(p)|(q)|(r)|(t)|(v)|(w)|(z)).?$|.*/?1:Type to for top etc., followed by a space:?3:BAckground-Attach etc BOTtom BOrder-Collapse-Spacing BC BS BW BorderBottom\(Color\/Style\/Width\) etc:?4:CLear CLIp COlor CONtent CUrsor Counter-Inc-Reset Caption-Side:?5:DIsplay DIRection:?6:Empty-Cells:?7:FOnt F-Family-SI\/ST\/W\/V FLoat:?8:HEight:?9:LEft LEtter-Spacing Line-Height List-Style I\/P\/T:?10:MArgin T\/R\/B\/L MAx\/MIn-Height\/Width:?11:OUtline-Color-Style-Width OVerflow:?12:PAdding T\/R\/B\/L POsition-Abs\/Rel\/Fixed\/Static:?13:QUotes:?14:RIght:?15:TOp TExt-Align\/D\/I\/T:?16:Vertical-Align VIsibility:?17:WHite-space WIdth WOrd-spacing:?18:Z-index/i} */$0${1/\\|(?:\b| )((ba((a)|(c)|(i)|(p)|(r))?)|(bot)|(bo((c)|(s))?)|(((bb)|(bl)|(br)|(bt)|b)((c)|(s)|(w))?)|(cli)|(con)|(co)|(cu)|(cl)|(c((i)|(r)))|(cs)|(dir)|(di)|(ec)|((ff)|(fsi)|(fst)|(fv)|(fw)|fo)|(fl)|(he)|(les)|(le)|(lh)|(ls((i)|(p)|(t))?)|(((ma)|(mi))((h)|(w)))|(((ma)|(pa))((b)|(l)|(r)|(t))?)|(ou((c)|(s)|(w))?)|(ov)|(po((a)|(r)|(f)|(s))?)|(qu)|(ri)|(to)|(te((a)|(d)|(i)|(t)))|(va)|(vi)|(wh)|(wi)|(wo)|(z)|([0-9]*)(cm|em|ex|in|mm|pt|pc|px|\%)((4)|3))( |$)|( {2,}|\t)/?2:;\nbackground(?4:-attachment:?5:-color:?6:-image:?7:-position:?8:-repeat)\: :?9:;\nbottom\: :?10:;\nborder(?12:-collapse:?13:-spacing)\: :?14:;\nborder(?16:-bottom:?17:-left:?18:-right:?19:-top)(?21:-color:?22:-style:?23:-width)\: :?24;\nclip\: :?25:;\ncontent\: :?26:;\ncolor\: :?27:;\ncursor\: :?28:;\nclear\: :?29:;\ncounter-(?31:increment:?32:reset)\: :?33:;\ncaption-side\: :?34:;\ndirection\: :?35:;\ndisplay\: :?36:;\nempty-cells\: :?37:;\nfont(?38:-family:?39:-size:?40:-style:?41:-variant:?42:-weight)\: :?43:;\nfloat\: :?44:;\nheight\: :?45:;\nletter-spacing\: :?46:;\nleft\: :?47;\nline-height\: :?48:;\nlist-style(?50:-image:?51:-position:?52:-type)\: :?53:;\n(?55:max:?56:min)(?58:-height:?59:-width):?60:;\n(?62:margin:?63:padding)(?65:-bottom:?66:-left:?67:-right:?68:-top)\: :?69:;\noutline(?71:-color:?72:-style:?73:-width)\: :?74:;\noverflow\: :?75:;\nposition\: (?77:absolute:?78:relative:?79:fixed:?80:static):?81:;\nquotes\: :?82:;\nright\: :?83:;\ntop\: :?84:;\ntext(?86:-align:?87:-decoration:?88:-indent:?89:-transform)\: :?90:;\nvertical-align\: :?91:;\nvisibility\: :?92:;\nwhite-space\: :?93:;\nwidth\: :?94:;\nword-spacing\: :?95:;\nz-index\: :?96:$96$97 $97 $97:?99: $97/gi}; ]]></content> <tabTrigger>propx</tabTrigger> <scope>source.css</scope> <description>po to, etc</description> </snippet>



awesome work^ keep going :smiley:



Thank you. Well, I was thinking what more could be doneā€¦ Iā€™ve run out of variables :astonished: . But you pushed me a little furtherā€¦

I realise that I could have additional fields, before and after the current one. So, for example, typing something like ā€˜boraā€™ for border-radius could also add ā€˜-moz-border-radiusā€™ at the top of the property list. Perhaps there are properties that people would generally put at the bottom of the list as well (or just the less common ones).

But I was hoping to leave this alone for a while. I still think itā€™s kinda cool though, that all this can be achieved in one (relatively) small snippet/file :sunglasses:

Footnote: It might seem that Iā€™m reproducing the work of my css completions file, but I think they serve different purposes. The completions help you to discover properties and their values, whereas the snippet enables you to quickly layout a set of known properties. And, of course, thereā€™s always ZenCoding :sunglasses: