Sublime Forum

[RESOLVED] RIGHTALT+letter doesn't work on Windows


startup, version: 2178 windows x64 channel: dev

Just noticed this issue, but probably not a new one. Tested on 2 different machine (same OS on both)

On Windows, RIGHTALT key is used to access the third value of a key, e.g. RIGHTALT+e trigger a € on my keyboard and RIGHTALT+2 trigger a @.

Now when I hit RIGHTALT+e this trigger (using sublime.log_input(True)):

key evt: control+alt+e

and it doesn’t insert a €

This is the same for all letter but it work fine for some number:
When I hit RIGHTALT+2:

chr evt: @ (0x40)

But when I hit RIGHTALT+0:

key evt: control+alt+0

I’m totally puzzled by this behavior.



Pressing AltGr+x on Windows will send a ctrl+alt+x key event to the application, this is a normal, albeit unfortunate, part of the way Windows works.

If I set my keyboard layout to German, for example, typing AltGr+e will insert a € sign. If input logging is enabled, first a key event for ctrl+alt+e is reported, and then a character event for €.

If you have a key binding bound to ctrl+alt+e, then this will eat the key event, and the character won’t get sent.



Thanks for your answer Jon.

You’re right, Windows work exactly (and totally unexpectedly) as you explained and my RIGHTALT+e is eaten by:

{ "keys": "ctrl+alt+e"], "command": "find_next_lint_error" },

Argh, keybindings management become a little more tricky.