Sublime Forum

.eco and .styl highlighting with Coffeescript and Spine


I am considering buying Sublime Text 2. As an Ubuntu, Windows and Mac user I find it nice to have a cross platform text editor.

Currently I do some stuff in Coffeescript and Spine and using Hem server with node. I installed the Coffeescript TM Bundle from Jashkenas and that works very nice and highlighting in .coffee files works very good. However the .eco files in my views and the .styl files in my css folder are not showing any highlighting.

I had some .eco highlighting in my vim editor through a pluging, but I’d like to see some .eco highlighting work in the Sublime editor too before I buy things. I could not find a TM plugin or a plugin in the Sublime package manager for those files.

Can anyone point me to a plugin or someone that has described how to get such working in Sublime?

Thanks in advance!



I’ve temporarily edited the syntax-specific ‘HTML (Erlang).sublime-settings’ file with:




to get some highlighting that looks decent enough. Haven’t found an alternative syntax-specific highlighting for the .styl files yet.



I’m sure you solved this already, but for Stylus (*.styl) files, I’ve been using the “Stylus” package which is now in Package Control. Prior to that, I was using a TextMate bundle for Stylus.

Here is a screenshot of the package from the web repository -

The url for the Stylus package git repo is