Sublime Forum

Color Scheme Builder



Someone else was building a complete UI for it - and that’s cool, but probably more complicated than it needs to be.

Something like that website would be cool - then you could add that “social” aspect to it with ratings, most popular downloaded, etc. But the interface on that website is really nice. If you missed it, go here: – then click in any of the source code to change the coloring for that specific element. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see the links to export the color scheme.

I know how that goes - I’ve got so much going on between my two contracts that I can only dream about writing this. Heheh…[/quote]

Cool. That is definitely within my ability to do and more in the direction I was thinking. I will consider this for the future.



I have thought about this before and am interested in how this might be approached. (Although I doubt that I will pursue it very far myself…)

a) ExportHtml could be borrowed to create an HTML doc with the scope-names added to each element as class-names. A JavaScript (or jQuery) colour-picker could then be invoked on double-click within the HTML. However, I doubt think this approach is viable, because it would not be possible to output a local file. (Although, the content for the file could be output in an iframe or textarea for copying and saving(?).)

b) A hosted web-site could be built a-la This could store some theme files, copy one of them, modify and export it. How would we/you approach the editing of the theme file? I suppose plistlib could be used to create a dictionary, modify it and write it out as a completely new file. Or would you use some other XML tool(s) to *edit *a theme file?

c) But it might also be possible to do it entirely in ST: there is a ColorPicker Package. I have an idea about this: Instead of trying to find the current scope, and colour, within the attached theme-file, just read the currrent scope, and inject this scope, and the chosen colour, directly at the beginning of the attached theme file. It would be a very specific scope (language specific) and it will be adopted first at it occurs very early in the file. What XML feature/extension could be used to directly insert a node into a file?




Actually, it may even be possible to borrow entirely :smiley:. It outputs XML like this:

[code]<?xml version="1.0"?>


What we need is an XML expert who can create an XLST (is that correct?) that will transform the above into an ST .tmTheme file :question:



I don’t think it would be nearly that complicated. Simply output theme file as JSON so Javascript can manipulate it easy. Style each bit of code with a class that links to the CSS representing the color.

Color picker is no big deal either. I actually have created my own already, not for this purpose, but for another one of my projects.

When color changes are made you can modify the JSON object, and then at any time, you could convert it back XML. I am not at all worried about saving a file locally, this could be accomplished via HTML5, or other clever methods to download the file, or even just open a new window with the theme in plain text that can be copied.

Everything is very doable.



@facelessuser Thank you.

For my own interest, what technology/extension can be used to directly edit, insert into, an XML file? I believe it’s possible but haven’t quite stumbled upon the technology that can do this. That is, without having to parse/load the whole file and then re-output it?




[quote=“agibsonsw”]@facelessuser Thank you.

For my own interest, what technology/extension can be used to directly edit, insert into, an XML file? I believe it’s possible but haven’t quite stumbled upon the technology that can do this. That is, without having to parse/load the whole file and then re-output it?


Nothing special is needed. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad working directly with the XML.

You could just write the XML as string in the JavaScript and then just convert it:
[pre=#000000] 1456 * var* xml, parser;
1457 if (window.ActiveXObject){
1458 xml = new window.ActiveXObject(‘Microsoft.XMLDOM’);
1459 xml.async = ‘false’;
1460 if (!xml.loadXML(str)) xml = null;
1461 } else {
1462 parser = new window.DOMParser();
1463 xml = parser.parseFromString(str, ‘text/xml’);
1464 }[/pre]



Didn’t know about, looks pretty good.
The creation interface looks like it will take a bit of time to create in exactly the same manner, but I’d be happy with something like a table:

[code]Lang: default

Lang: PHP
//Function is not defined so it gets inherited from Lang: default

Lang: JavaScript
variable(this):#colour //Maybe allow different colours for special vars


So that’s not the final theme file but the interface a simple “label: input” like UI.
That should be a lot faster than the UI.



@facelessuser. Thank you but I don’t quite follow - I’m a bit under the weather :cry: so maybe my brains’ not firing on all cylinders…

What I’m looking at is injecting a node such as

<dict> <key>name</key> <string>Magic Functions (Python)</string> <key>scope</key> <string>support.function.magic.python</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>fontStyle</key> <string></string> <key>foreground</key> <string>#00F5FF</string> </dict> </dict>
directly into a theme-file, at a suitable location, without having to parse or load the whole XML? I think your example demonstrates building the XML node, but how do I “inject” it…? Ta, Andy.

@Francisc. Sorry to side-step your post :smile: . But isn’t it better to see some sample code - like - so that you can see precisely how your colour will impact the code? It will also be easier for someone to create, as they can (effectively) copy some sample code, stick it in ST, and read the scope at each character/word position.






[quote=“agibsonsw”]@facelessuser. Thank you but I don’t quite follow - I’m a bit under the weather :cry: so maybe my brains’ not firing on all cylinders…

What I’m looking at is injecting a node such as

<dict> <key>name</key> <string>Magic Functions (Python)</string> <key>scope</key> <string>support.function.magic.python</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>fontStyle</key> <string></string> <key>foreground</key> <string>#00F5FF</string> </dict> </dict>
directly into a theme-file, at a suitable location, without having to parse or load the whole XML? I think your example demonstrates building the XML node, but how do I “inject” it…? Ta, Andy.

@Francisc. Sorry to side-step your post :smile: . But isn’t it better to see some sample code - like - so that you can see precisely how your colour will impact the code? It will also be easier for someone to create, as they can (effectively) copy some sample code, stick it in ST, and read the scope at each character/word position.[/quote]

You always have to parse an entire file. You can never just insert something into a file on disk, you have to rewrite the file with the node inserted in. The code I provided takes the text content of the XML and creates an XML object that you can use to insert a node. When you are done inserting nodes you can extract the content from the object. The XML object has methods for inserting new nodes etc. I don’t really have time right now to go through the XML methods but here is showing how you can create a node, but it is pretty well documented online.



@facelessuser. Thank you.

That’s the detail I was looking for :smiley: . Thanks for the link (… although, I don’t really need it :wink: )

An interesting, or debatable, read - depending on your point of view: w3fools



[quote=“agibsonsw”]@facelessuser. Thank you.

That’s the detail I was looking for :smiley: . Thanks for the link (… although, I don’t really need it :wink: )

An interesting, or debatable, read - depending on your point of view: w3fools[/quote]

Interesting link. Though I only provided a link to them because it was one of the first to show up in google :wink:. Wasn’t exactly sure what you were asking, so I was trying to cover all the bases.




I still refer to w3schools because it always appears earliest from a Google search, and it’s a familiar site to navigate. But I also try to dig a little deeper as well - I have myself occasionally noticed incomplete or out-of-date information on that site.

Regards, Andy.



Sorry if I’m being OT.

As far as I can tell the biggest difficulty with editing sublime colour schemes has to do with finding out how to write it out so that it cascades properly for the various language (rather than defining everything with very specific scopes) and that as the file grows, fiddling with hex values becomes rather infuriating*.

This issue would not be greately helped by a UI. On the other hand, it would be great if one were able to define and reuse values and, closely related to this, the ability to define colors programatically. For example, in LESS one might write something like:

@blue-color: #0066cc;

some.div {
	border:1px solid darken(@blue-color, 10);

@other-color: desaturate(spin(@blue-color, 30), 10);

Now that I’m thinking about it, it would also be nice to be able to nest scopes:

string {
	foreground: @orange;
	punctuation {
		foreground: lighten(@orange, 15);
  • The “solution” I currently use, is to create very dense scope definitions:
    "name": "Green",
    "scope": ", entity.other.inherited-class,, entity.other.attribute-name, markup.inserted",
    "settings": {
        "foreground": "#A6E22E"


Doesn’t a theme file already, effectively, use a cascade? If you colour “entity.other” and also colour “entity.other.class” then this creates a cascade?



Yes, you’re right. But I was talking about nesting two different scopes. (I’ve been tinkering with punctuation recently, so that’s what I was thinking about specifically.) For example, if you take the following CSS:


“someclass” has a scope of: “source.css meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css”

While the dot has a scope of: “source.css meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.class.css punctuation.definition.entity.css”

The way to style the punctuation in this case is to use a scope like “entity.other punctuation”.

In practice, this gets quite cumbersome. Here’s an example from one of my (probably misguided) styles:

    "name": "Green",
    "scope": ", entity.other.inherited-class,, entity.other.attribute-name, markup.inserted, at.tag.workflow, hash.tag.workflow, meta.task.completed.workflow punctuation",
    "settings": {
    	"background": "#99cc0005",
        "foreground": "#669900"
    "name": "Green Punctuation",
    "scope": " punctuation, entity.other.inherited-class punctuation, punctuation, entity.other.attribute-name punctuation, markup.inserted punctuation",
    "settings": {
        "foreground": "#99cc00"

I could be wrong, but this seemed to me to be the least painful way to write this out.

I would have preferred something like:, entity.other.inherited-class,, entity.other.attribute-name, markup.inserted {
	background:lighten(@green, 100);
	punctuation {

Does this make sense? :confused:


CSScheme - Create Color Schemes using CSS, SCSS or stylus

While conceding that I haven’t explored this in detail, it still seems to me that your theme-colouring could be simplified as indicated in my previous post. But I may be wrong :smile:

It is a shame, though, that we can’t use variables in a theme-file (I think TextMate can, if I recall correctly?).



I’m not entirely sure, either. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to raise the issue. If I’m simply going about this the wrong way, my hope is that someone would correct me. Also, editing the punctuation in this dogged manner is an experiment more than anything else. My original interest in this particular aspect came out of a legitimate question for styling Markdown. (See: Matching multiple scopes in color syntax ). What I think I am doing is using the cascade.

I just spent a couple minutes looking at the Espresso Soda theme, which tinkers with the punctuation of strings and they do it by editing (separately) the scopes for “string” and “string punctuation”. So I suspect there’s no better fix.

Edit: yes, variables would be great.



The only other suggestion I have it to explore the idea of stating the scope from the end, rather than the beginning :question:. So, for example, just scope “punctuation” and then also “something.punctuation”. I would try skipping parts of the scope: “firstbit.lastbit”, but I don’t how this would work without experimenting - I suspect it would need careful (strategic!) planning.

If I ever do this again I might consider:
Opening a large file for my chosen language;
Create a command to extract ALL of the scopes into a view;
Sort this list and remove duplicates.

Actually, I would perhaps go a stage further and create a dictionary from this list of scopes :smiley:. But I know that this doesn’t help you at this point… Soz.




[quote=“quodlibet”], entity.other.inherited-class,, entity.other.attribute-name, markup.inserted {
	background:lighten(@green, 100);
	punctuation {

Does this make sense? :?[/quote]

I like that. It’s (S)CSS, it’s human readable and more importantly it’s parsable. You can do it just like SaneSnippets. Make a tmLanguage definition for this type of a theme, write the parser in Python and now you have your tmTheme. It could even be automatically parsed when saving a file with a specifix extension (see SaneSnippets). Yeah, I already have concepts for that, but no time I’m afraid.