Sublime Forum

Customizing ctrl+click


Iā€™ve found how to bind my own command to ctrl+click, but now Iā€™m struggling with obtaining current position of the cursor. Doing view.sel()[0] is obviously unreliable, so Iā€™m looking for a better way.

A great solution would be to get mouse coordinates of the click, convert them to text coordinates via view.layout_to_text and do my stuff. After enabling sublime.log_commands Iā€™ve noticed that Sublime passes mouse coordinates to drag_select handlers (e.g. ā€œcommand: drag_select {ā€œeventā€: {ā€œbuttonā€: 1, ā€œxā€: 582.5, ā€œyā€: 274.5}}ā€). However, Iā€™ve been unable to get hold of them - neither bound by press_command, nor by command in sublime-mousemap entry, my command doesnā€™t receive the ā€œeventā€ argument.

Any ideas?


How does drag_select work?

Let me know if you figure out how to do thisā€”I tried briefly a while ago but I donā€™t think I found anything.



Normally itā€™s simply part of the args variable:

[code]import sublime, sublime_plugin

class TestPluginCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run_(self, args):
print argsā€™eventā€™]

I tried to play with this but i had issues converting reliably (x,y) to test position (it was some times ago but maybe things are better now ā€¦). So in the end what i did was pass the arg to the drag_select command, and then use view.sel()[0].
This was for a plugin to emulate a kind of drag&drop (more a sel&click) before it was implemented: you can find the very simple source here:



Didnā€™t work for me. The second argument is just a plain Edit object, which cannot be indexed. Could you, please, post your mousemap?



{ "button": "button2", "modifiers": "alt"], "press_command": "paste_sel_on_click", "press_args" : {"del" : true} }, { "button": "button2", "modifiers": "alt","ctrl"], "press_command": "paste_sel_on_click", "press_args" : {"del" : false} } ]



Ah I see! run_ (with an underscore) strips the event from the arguments list before calling run (no underscore). So you have to override run_ instead of overriding run.



I donā€™t think wbondā€™s package manager does anything with dependencies, but I just wrote a cool mouse-callback thing:
It lets you inherit from MouseEventListener and then you get an on_pre_click with the args and an on_post_click with the position in the file where the user clicked.
I think I might upload it to github and make it a real repo, and then Iā€™ll make my ScrollOffset plugin ignore mouse input. Now that would rock!



[quote=ā€œadzenithā€]Ah I see! run_ (with an underscore) strips the event from the arguments list before calling run (no underscore). So you have to override run_ instead of overriding run.

Woot! Whatā€™s the difference between run and run_?



/quick thread hijack:

@adzenith I was checking out your ScrollOffset plugin earlier today. I use a similar plugin that always keeps the cursor centered, so I thought your ā€œmouse-callback thingā€ may be solving similar problems as the ones I am encountering. Honestly, I canā€™t figure out what itā€™s supposed to do. What I was looking for is disabling the click+hold for selection so that I could only use mouse button 1 to change the cursorā€™s location. (I would then use shift+click for selection). With the aforementioned plugin, my thumb has a bad habit of tapping the touchpad, selecting chunks of text which I then gleefully proceed to overwrite without noticingā€¦ Hope this makes, sense



The mouse-callback thing is not yet integrated into my ScrollOff plugin, which may have explained what you were seeing.
My plan was to capture on_pre_click, disable ScrollOff for the next on_selection_modified, then capture on_post_click and re-enable. This would make it so that clicking wouldnā€™t scroll the display, allowing normal selections with the mouse. Does that make sense?




[quote=ā€œadzenithā€]Ah I see! run_ (with an underscore) strips the event from the arguments list before calling run (no underscore). So you have to override run_ instead of overriding run.

Woot! Whatā€™s the difference between run and run_?[/quote]

Thatā€™s the entire difference right there. run doesnā€™t get the event.



I wasnā€™t clear, sorry. I tried the Scroll Off plugin and the mouse stuff separately (one after the other). If the latter only works with the former, then thatā€™s why I didnā€™t see any effect. Or maybe I still donā€™t understand what itā€™s supposed to do.

Sort of. (Iā€™m not a programmer and your explanation is a little technical.) Iā€™ll keep an eye out for what youā€™re building and see if it might work for me also, although probably not out of the box.

In the meantime I would be quite happy with just disabling the mouse (or, at least, button 1) altogether when my plugin is enabled, but ā€œcontextā€ seems to be ignored in mousemaps. Darn.



I just pushed my changes. Try installing both ScrollOffset and MouseEventListener and tell me if you like what you see.



You should put something in the README about the fact that ScrollOffset only works when word wrap is off :confused:

ScrollOffset looks like a plugin I might well use (for coding, which is a different situation than the one Iā€™ve been talking about).

As for using MouseEventListener with my typewriter plugin, I didnā€™t manage to get anything particularly useful done.

Iā€™ve thrown up the plugin below, if you donā€™t mind having a look. (But I donā€™t mean to impose.)

import sublime, sublime_plugin

class AlwaysCenterCommand(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
	def on_selection_modified(self, view):
		if view.settings().get('typewriter_mode') == 1:
			sel = view.sel()
			region = sel[0] if len(sel) == 1 else None
			if region != None:

The plugin keeps the cursor always centered. What Iā€™ve been hoping to do is to prevent is extending the selection with mouse clicking. Is this possible?

Again, feel free to ignore this stuff.



I guess I never use word wrapā€¦ Maybe I should look into why it doesnā€™t work.

Iā€™d install MouseEventListener, then in your AlwaysCenterCommand add this:

ignore_count = 0 def on_pre_mouse_down(self, args): self.ignore_count = 3 def on_post_mouse_down(self, click_point): self.ignore_count = 1

Then inside of on_selection_modified, throw this at the top:

if self.ignore_count: self.ignore_count -= 1 return

Lemme know if that works.



typewriter_mode was added to bufferscroll, did you have some problem with this plugin? I want to fix it, if that is the case.




Hi @tito,

I am not using your BufferScroll plugin, so there isnā€™t anything related to that for you to fix. If youā€™re offering your excellent services thoughā€¦ :wink:

I am using the plugin I posted above; itā€™s slightly modified from something @facelessuser has written1. This plugin activates on ā€œon_selection_modifiedā€ rather than ā€œon_modifiedā€ (as is the case with BufferScroll). This means that the screen is scrolled every time the cursor changes position,which works great when you are:

a) writing prose rather than code,
b) using the keyboard rather than the mouse

Unfortunately, the functionality of the mouse is quite broken: itā€™s too easy to select text when trying to position the cursor. I havenā€™t actually used iA Writer2, but it disables the mouse completely, I suspect for this reason.

I actually rather like how it works, if only I could disable extending the selection on mouse click.



I understand, Iā€™ll take a look after lunch, Iā€™m interested into providing better behaviour for these features.