Sublime Forum

Quick add / skip next



in my sublime text 2, the quick add next is not linked to a shortcut (command+d), so I tried to make one by using keyboard in system preferences, and the user keybindings file but it’s not working, it only works when I go to the menu and click on the menu item. Do you have any ideas as to how I could fix this?

Also is there meant to be a quick skip next function? because I can’t find it…



Hey there -

I have the same exact issue. I’ve been reading all these great blog post that rave about this feature and how multiple selections is a huge timesaver. They all state that Command-D initiates multiple selections. However when I try to use it, nothing happens. When I use my mouse to go up to the Find menu and select Quick Add Next, it works. But the keyboard shortcut does nothing. Like you I tried to manually add a keyboard shortcut from the Mac’s Keyboard System Preferences. I now see a Command-D (⌘D) next to the Quick Add Next menu item, but the keyboard shortcut still does nothing.

In my Default (OSX).sublime-keymap I see the following line:

{ "keys": "super+d"], "command": "find_under_expand" },

I have nothing in my Key Bindings - User file that overrides this keyboard shortcut.

How is it that Command-D works for so many people?

Using version 2.0.1, Build 2217 on Mac 10.7.4



Try opening the console (CMD+`) and typing sublime.log_commands(True) and sublime.log_input(True). Then press the keybinding for quick add next and verify the command is reaching Sublime.