Sublime Forum

Wrap issue


there a bug when using selection and text wrap. if you select a line or part of it, and your cursor is after the line wrap, when you press the home key, you won’t end up on the start of line, but on the start of the wrapped line.

for example, open a new buffer, type lorem, you should see the famous loerm ipsum lines, then shrink the window width so that lines will wrap to next line (activate line wrap ctrl+shift+w) then select all (ctrl+a) and split to lines (ctrl+shift+l) finally press key. your cursors will be on all the wrapped line start and not on line start.



I agree with you, but I don’t think it’s a bug, I think it’s by design.

It would be nice to have this as an option though…



gpfsmurf is right, this is by design: it’s the usual behaviour for a text editor on Windows.