Sublime Forum

CamelHumps cursor movement


Some editors (e.g. IntelliJ’s IDEA and ReSharper) honor “CamelHumps” when moving cursor or doing selection, so when using Ctrl+left/right to navigate the variable/method/class name, the cursor will stop on every “hump”.
For example, if navigating “systemUsernamePasswordMap”, the cursor will jump to the beginning of every word part of the variable: “system”, then “Username”, “Password” and “Map”. The same with selection. As you would imagine, that way renaming variables gets much faster.

Can we have the similar mode for Sublime? It does not have to be turned on by default.
If not, maybe this could be implemented as a plugin?
Or maybe it exists already and I am just not seeing it?



On OSX this happens by default using control + arrow keys.



Ah, looks like for Windows Alt+left/right should be used. And Shift+Alt+left/right for selection!
Thank you for pointing in the right direction!