Sublime Forum

Caps Lock Key to lock into "cursor navigation mode"


Hi Fellow Sublimers!

Is there a way to have the CAPS LOCK key lock into cursor navigation mode?

Ideally, Iā€™d like to hit the caps lock key to lock into cursor navigation mode from which I can hit H, J, K, L to move the cursor around.

For example, this would be the ideal behavior:

  1. Hit CAPS LOCK.
  2. Press H, J, K, L to move the cursor left, down, up, right.
  3. Hit CAPS LOCK to exit cursor navigation mode.
  4. Type as you normally would

If using CAPS LOCK is not possible, Iā€™ll be happy with holding CTRL+J+K or something similar. The important thing is being able to lock into navigation / edit mode (but without all the bells & whistles that come with Vintage Mode).

Why not Vintage? Iā€™ve always been fascinated by VIM, but never had the chance to try it. Iā€™d like to try Vintage eventually, however I feel thereā€™s quite a few hurdles for me:

  1. Somewhat steep learning curve.
  2. Vintage mode docs seem sparse.
  3. Vintage mode != VIM

All three of these combined makes it extremely difficult for someone like me (who has never used VIM) to dive into Vintage. I donā€™t know enough VIM to simply jump into Vintage. I canā€™t lookup Vintage docs because it seems incomplete. And I canā€™t lookup VIM docs because Vintage isnā€™t exactly VIM.

I will eventually try Vintage mode though, but first I just would like to try to ease into things by customizing it as described above.

Is that possible?


  1. Thatā€™s true, you need like 1 month to get used to, but after that you will scream when you need to write text in any non-VIM editor.
  2. Thatā€™s true aswell, but when this mode try to miminc an other application, maybe you should look for help searching for that ā€œotherā€ app. Reading VIM docs and trying out which stuff works with Vintage which not, itā€™s not a big deal. Also, you can read through this: Packages\Vintage\Default.sublime-keymap
  3. Most of the cool stuff is already here, i donā€™t miss anything (but i have to mention i never used VIM full time).


I recommend for learning vim :smile:



You guys have convinced me into switching over to Vintage mode (ā€¦not that I was against it in the first place :smile:).

But before I take the plunge, I have 2 quick questions:
(1) Have any of you experienced any annoyances or bugs with using Vintage mode? I just did some searching and noticed a few problems with misbehaving cursors and switching modes.

(2) Would any of you veterans recommend any other ST2 packages/plugins to improve upon the Vintage Mode experience? Itā€™s okay if it steepens the learning curve, I just want to start off on the right foot.

Quarnster, haha this is such an awesome way to learn to learn vi/vim. Bookmarked!

Thanks all



Thereā€™s nothing thatā€™s so broken itā€™s an annoyance to me. Everything I used in vim works fine.

I recommend installing VintageEx too.



I recommend



Thank you both for the suggestions!