Sublime Forum

BracketHighlighter2 BETA Branch


Kind of, but not quite.

  • Icons are 16X16 regardless if they are big or small.
  • The icons need to be white with transparent backgrounds so that when they get masked they are the correct color.
  • They need to all be relatively lined up and look appropriate aligned in the gutter. So if the curly icon is centered in the gutter, and the round looks like it is left justified, it is jarring. They all need to roughly be centered/aligned the same.
  • Small icons are the same size png as the large, but you have to shrink the actual icon in roughly in the upper left quadrant. If someone made a template that had a layers with guides to optimally place the icons that are big or small, that would help.
  • Next you need open and close and normal (both opening and closing) for the icons that make sense. And you need small variants of all three.
  • Follow the naming convention shown above.

Icons like “dot” etc, that don’t make sense having opening and closing can omit the open and close variants.

That is it. If you do that, I will add the support. Currently I show show the same icon on closing and opening, and if any bracket cannot be matched, I show the same invalid icon. Do not worry about invalid icons, I am leaving that generic. If you come up with a better invalid, that is great.



Seems doable, tedious mostly, really.

So I have to do this for all the icons except those that don’t make sense to have them, correct? If so, should I just fork the project and when I finish do a pull request?

  • Eduan


OK, well I forked the project, I’m gonna start working on it, expect it today or tomorrow. :smile:



[quote=“Eduan”]Seems doable, tedious mostly, really.

So I have to do this for all the icons except those that don’t make sense to have them, correct? If so, should I just fork the project and when I finish do a pull request?

  • Eduan[/quote]

You understand the problem quite well. Very tedious. More than I cared to do.

But, you will make a lot of people happy :smile:. You are not the first to request this; my answer has always been the same, and I have yet to see icons. So it will be nice to actually get icons.



[quote]Indeed, hahaha

  • Kurtjmac

Status report, finished closing tags (quite easy. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Gonna finish opening brackets now.

BTW, I’m also including the quotes, I think I’m gonna make a single quotes icon also, gonna make opening/closing icons for single/double quotes. :smiley:



Make sure you test the small icons by shrinking your font and then move the cursor around.



I’ve run across a block, how do you actually enable the package so that I can test it? lol



OK, well I wasn’t able to test it cause I wasn’t able to figure it out.

But I have updated the icons, and it’s ready, so you just gotta test it using my fork:

  • Eduan


Did you restart ST2 after installing it? Also, the folder must be called BracketHighlighter under packages.

I will try giving it a go later tonight.

Make sure you commit it or I can’t test it.



Is there a way to use package control to grab a branch other than master of BracketHighlighter?



Go to User/Package Control.sublime-settings and add the link to the repository. key at the bottom of the file:

[pre=#151515] “SublimeWebColors”,
“Theme - Phoenix”,
“sublime-languages”: “AAALanguages”


Then issue the Package Control: Upgrade Package command and pick BracketHighlighter



@eduan don’t forget to commit your icons to your branch. I can’t test them if they aren’t there. And thanks for your effort.




Go to User/Package Control.sublime-settings and add the link to the repository. key at the bottom of the file:

[pre=#151515] “SublimeWebColors”,
“Theme - Phoenix”,
“sublime-languages”: “AAALanguages”


Then issue the Package Control: Upgrade Package command and pick BracketHighlighter[/quote]

It just tells me there are no packages available for upgrade.



Try restarting ST2, it might not have updated its list of packages to upgrade yet. On restart, it might upgrade the package for you…then you would have to restart again because it is so different than the old version.

EDIT: Post your package control settings file if you are still having trouble so I can verify everything is in there correct. Oh, and if you never had BrackeHighlighter installed in the first place, just install it like normal.



[quote=“facelessuser”]Try restarting ST2, it might not have updated its list of packages to upgrade yet. On restart, it might upgrade the package for you…then you would have to restart again because it is so different than the old version.

EDIT: Post your package control settings file if you are still having trouble so I can verify everything is in there correct. Oh, and if you never had BrackeHighlighter installed in the first place, just install it like normal.[/quote]

I had never had it installed in the first place. Thanks for your help.

I like the default styling of this much better than the 1.X BH; it’s much less in-your-face without sacrificing usefulness.



Thanks to @Eduan for create a billion tiny icons, we now have different icons when brackets are on the same line and not.

Might need to restart to see it.



[quote=“facelessuser”]Thanks to @Eduan for create a billion tiny icons, we now have different icons when brackets are on the same line and not.

Might need to restart to see it.

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2012-10-27 at 10.48.07 AM.png[/attachment][/quote]

Yay! You’re welcome. :smile:

Expect some Retina display support soon (as soon as I figure it out). People out there with Retina display, be ready to test and take huge screenshots.



@Eduan before you waste too much time, you should make sure that ST2 actually uses retina gutter icons. I looked in the default theme, and there are no retina icons there. So I wonder if ST2 actually supports retina gutter icons.



Well it does say in the changelog that it added Retina display support. And also the Soda theme has working Retina display support. So all we have to do is figure out how to make the package use Retina icons.



I think I remember some people saying gutter icons weren’t supported. But if they are supported, all you have to do is double the size and but @2x at the end of the name.

So icon.png will have a retina version called icon@2x.png which is twice the width and twice the hight.