Sublime Forum

Remove file extension in snippet


So I’m trying to do this to output the file name without the extension.

${TM_FILENAME/^(.+)(\.^ .]+)?$/}

But it outputs nothing… I copied the regex from stack overflow, and it should work.

I’ve seen in the ST documentation that for substitutions I still need to put a string format after the regex… … ppets.html

… but I really have no clue what to put there.

Any help is appreciated.




Hey @pier

I took a look in the C++ snippets directory and found what you are looking for in the class snippet

class ${1:${TM_FILENAME/(.+)\..+|.*/$1/:name}}

That should do what you want :wink:




It works!!!

So how would that work if I just wanted to filename printed, without being a cursor tab?



Just in case anyone stumbles upon this…

This is the code to write directly the filename without the extension in a snippet. Without being a cursor tab…



What’s the meaning of :name in this code ?



Good question… I removed it and it still works.

I will never be able to understand all this regex black magic…



So after some studying (don’t laugh at me regex masters) I deciphered and distilled the expression.

In case anyone stumbles upon this I will explain how this works for absolute ST + regex beginners like me.

This is how to write the file name without the extension in a snippet


As said in my first post ST expects this kind of format ${variable name/regex/string format}

TM_FILENAME is the variable that contains the whole file name (eg:myFile.cpp)

(.+)…+ creates a pattern that matches the filename (eg:myFile) and excludes the extension:
li capture a group of any characters in any number of repetitions.
[]b[/b] is for group capture [/li]
[li]. means any character[/li]
[li]+ means one or more repetitions of “any character”[/li][/ul] [/
[li] …+ and do not capture everything after (and including) a point
[]. is a match for the point character[/li]
[li]. means any character[/li]
[li]+ means one or more repetitions of “any character”[/li][/ul][/

String format
$1 I have no clue what this means, and it confused me as I thought it was something related with tab stops… It seems to mean “the match of the regex”…

Well there it is.




The replacement can be a regex and/or text expression.
The modifiers are:
g - global search
i - case-insensitive
m - multi-line search.

This means (capture any one character or more) that is followed by a dot . and any one character or more. So,
The captured text (a capture-group is identified with brackets) - is referred to as $1 in the regex. If there were more groups they would be $2, $3, with $0 referring to the whole matched expression. [Outside of a regex $1 would refer to the snippet tab-positioned content.]

I don’t know about :name :neutral_face: maybe it gives the snippet position 1 the alias ‘name’ so that it can be referred to later in the snippet as ${:name} ?? Curious if anyone knows…

The attached text file is supposed to describe STs variant of regular expressions. I think it actually describes a *compatible *variant, so is only 96.4% accurate, or maybe 95% :smile:. (4.9 KB)



There are online tools like this and this as well as applications that can be downloaded to test regular expressions. Neither of the links are specific to ST-regex, but they are 90% the same - so, sufficient for most purposes. [The first link has a nag-screen.]

Homework: study the following and report back :smile:


BTW It’s not mine!! and it’s a URL validator.



Mother of god, that must be some alien technology.

Thanks again for the info Andy!