Sublime Forum

Sublimelinter working, but not completely



I’m trying to setup Sublime for php coding, and I read on several blogs that Sublimelinter is an appropriate way to go.
I installed it, and after checking it only works partially, I ran into a few things that aren’t running as they apparently should be.

  • Error highlighting: The wrong line is highlighted, and it’s not in red, just a regular box. I know about the next line-highlighting, but this is something else it seems:

  • Errors aren’t shown in the status bar, I can only see them when doing cmd + alt + p and then Sublimelinter: Show error list:

And another one, unrelated to Sublimelinter I think, the php-file (which contains only php) is html-highlighted in the bottom right corner, but when I click it to change it the checkmark is next to php, but the status bar still says html. I searched for a solution and found a few questions about, but no definite answers; hope someone can help.




When reporting linting errors, post the source, and never hide the gutter with the line numbers on pictures. Give some details as: the error is in line 32234324, but is marked in line 3432351
I don’t want to search your code for the obvious thing.