Sublime Forum

Find the command associated with a key


Anyone know if thereā€™s a way to look up what command will be executed for a given key combination in a given context? Iā€™m pressing Option-Command-Return and getting strange white dots in the gutter; donā€™t know what they mean or how to find out what this key combo is doing. Thanks for any tips!



type this in sublimeā€™s console and all commands will be output there.



Thatā€™s helpful, but in this specific case it looks like itā€™s running some kind of macro. If I hit Option-Command-Return while working in an HTML file, the output I see in the log is

no command for selector: breakUndoCoalescing command: move_to {"to": "hardeol"} command: move_to {"to": "hardbol"} command: expand_selection {"to": "word"} command: move {"by": "characters", "forward": true, "extend":true} command: move {"by": "wordends", "forward": true, "extend":true} command: move {"by": "words", "forward": false, "extend":true} command: move {"by": "characters", "forward": false, "extend":true} command: set_mark command: delete_to_mark command: yank command: move_to {"to": "hardeol"} command: left_delete command: insert {"characters": "\n"} command: run_macro_file {"file": "Packages/Default/Delete to Hard BOL.sublime-macro"} command: yank command: expand_selection {"to": "word"}

Is there any way to tell what the ā€œnameā€ of this series of commands is, what itā€™s supposed to do?



hard to tell.
do a search across keymap files for commands bound to alt+enter or super+enter

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages && find . -name "*(OSX).sublime-keymap" -print0 | xargs -0 egrep "(super|alt)\+enter"

and check if you have something for those 3 keys. :confused:



Okay, tried that and got

./Default/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap: { "keys": "super+enter"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/Default/Add Line.sublime-macro"} }, ./Default/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap: { "keys": "alt+enter"], "command": "find_all", "args": {"close_panel": true}, ./Default/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap: { "keys": "alt+enter"], "command": "find_all", "args": {"close_panel": true}, ./Default/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap: { "keys": "ctrl+alt+enter"], "command": "replace_all", "args": {"close_panel": true}, ./Default/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap: { "keys": "alt+enter"], "command": "find_all", "args": {"close_panel": true},

I donā€™t see anything here bound to Option-Command-Enter or Alt-Command-Enter or Alt-Super-Enter, so I guess something else must be going on?

More generally, Iā€™m moving to ST2 from TextMate; TM provides a way to either search for a command by name, or to type a key combination and see all commands bound to that. I thought maybe ST2 had a similar feature, but I guess not? Thanks a lot for your help in any case!



That grep vitaLee specified wonā€™t catch everything. Something like Default.sublime-keymap will also be used in building the key command list (just independent of the OS).

You may also try using theFindKeyConflicts plugin, which will list commands. It will display ā€œconflictsā€ or ā€œall keysā€ (in your case) in either a buffer or the quick panel, giving you some additional searching capability. My guess is what ever command is running is based in a file without an OS specific extension.



ohhh, you are right skuroda.
@dang you can either try the FindKeyConflicts package or try dropping (OSX) from the grep

still not ideal as one would like but thatā€™s what we have right now.



Only know that because I found the FindKeyConflicts plugin wasnā€™t working as expected when I was testing it :smile: Also realized after posting here that I never got around to adding the Quick Panel option to all keys. So thanks :smiley:



At one point i thought of suggesting the FindKeyConflicts package to dang,
but then i considered that maybe it wonā€™t detect the binding heā€™s looking for, because conflicts might not exist.



Understandable, there has always (okay maybe not always, but for a while) been a command to list all of the keymaps in a single buffer. I just now got around to adding the quick panel display list. FindKeyConflicts is a misleading name, but thatā€™s what I was originally shooting for. Not really worth the trouble of changing now though. Well, letā€™s hope that the plugin or grep will help dang solve his problem!