Sublime Forum

Trying to do a simple custom keybinding


I’m struggling to do something simple.
Basically I just want ctrl-up and ctrl-down to be the same as plain up and and down - it’s a habit I have for fast navgiating around a file.
The docs don’t seem to have a section on exactly what methods are available and how to use them, at least that I could find. So I usually use the existing ones reference. However for something as simple as moving the cursor one line there is no existing binding.



When doing keybindings (or modifying settings in general), be sure to look at the defaults included with Sublime Text. The default Key Bindings will be shown by selecting Preferences -> Key Bindings - Default. Searching for “up” and “down” led me to the following entries.

	{ "keys": "up"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": false} },
	{ "keys": "down"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": true} }

So, to add your custom binding, add the following to your user key bindings (Preferences -> Key Bindings - User). Be sure to wrap it in square braces (the key bindings file is an array of objects) if you don’t have any entries already.

	{ "keys": "ctrl+up"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": false} },
	{ "keys": "ctrl+down"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": true} }

Hope that helps.



Thank you - I had tried what you mentioned below and didn’t find the up or down key binding. So confused I guessed that perhaps you were on windows - and indeed the windows keymap has those bindings but my OSX keymap doesn’t…
Anyway I have what I need now - thanks for the help.