Sublime Forum

Min/Max/Restore view commands or buttons


Was just doing some editing and thought of a feature they might be cool.

Sometimes I have a bunch of files open when I’m working on something and I get sidetracked into working on something else. Normally what I’ll do, as I usually don’t want to close all the files of what I was working on, is open another view and drag it so I can’t see anything in the other view except the tab bar. So then I can finish what sidetracked me quick, then go back to what I was working on with everything still open.

Resizing the views every time starts to get a bit old. It would be cool if there was a small slim button at the top of the view that’s resizable that quickly does this. Of course it’s function would change back and forth between maximizing and restoring the view to where it was at before being maximized depending on what state it’s in.

Even just a few bindable commands to do this would be great too.

I suppose it could get a bit complicated when you’re using more than 2 views (which I rarely ever do, not sure about others) but at that point you could just make the command effect the active view and then only if it’s resizable.