Sublime Forum

3048: Sublime blocks Git commit message


In 3048, on Win7 64bit, I cannot use Sublime to edit git commit messages.
Sublime opens, But when I save the file (and close it), bash hangs indefinitely, (waiting for the signal that the file is ready?)

This happens with atomic_save true and false. Additonally, if atomic_save is set to false, I also get “fatal: could not open ‘.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG’: Permission denied” when I try to re-commit in git with the commit message file I edited with Sublime.

The git repo is on a local drive.

My git config entry:
core.editor=‘C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe’ -w

This definitely worked in previous versions of the Beta. I’d be very happy if this could be fixed.



This has been fixed in 3049, but the bigger problem stil exists. Git waits indefinitely for the commit message file.

Further inspection shows that this problem only exists when there’s a mismatch between users: If I open Sublime as a user, but cmd as an admin, then it won’t work. If I have both open as the same user, it works. Not sure if there’s anything Sublime can do about that.