Sublime Forum

Issues opening sublime after latest Ubuntu update


I’m not sure if the ubuntu update had an impact or not, but Sublime was working wonderfully today, but tonight it won’t open. This is the output I’m getting:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc /usr/bin/subl: line 3: 7522 Aborted /usr/lib/sublime-text-2/sublime_text --class=sublime-text-2 "$@"

Google has been no help.

I did apparently have the dev version install via the ubuntu software manager, but I have since tried the release, but get the same error.



I just came across the same error. In my case the problem was resolved by removing the ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Settings dir. This may be caused by force closing sublimetext (due to power issues) while having a large amounts of data in buffered windows thus Session.sublime_session file got large and corrupted in some way.