Sublime Forum

Goto definition in S3 with SASS?


Hi there,

Is there any way to make goto definition work with sass? whenever I select a class inside my html and I go to the definition it will only show me .css files but no .scss files. Thanks!

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Goto definition for SCSS in S3?

I had some luck with the instructions given here: … /issues/15

Which just involves adding the following to the SASS Symbol list file:

<key>showInIndexedSymbolList</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>symbolIndexTransformation</key> <string>/#.]([A-Za-z0-9_~]+)/$1/;</string>

The problem is that you can’t disable the indexing for CSS, which makes things very confusing.



Scss and sass files started to appear in “Goto definition” -results after installing LESS-package. (I wish I’ve known this 3 hours ago but I hope this helps someone to save their time)