Sublime Forum

Suggestion: Don't show ruler in Find Results [with image]


If you have “rulers” set in your preferences, the ruler is shown in Find Results (panel or buffer) as well as normal buffers.

I don’t think it makes sense to show it in Find Results because the line number preamble added to each result line means that the ruler’s position relative to your content is not meaningful.



You can create a syntax specific setting for the find results. You can go through the menu as you normally would, or manually create a “Find Results.sublime-settings” file in Packages/User



I did in fact do that (although I don’t know about that syntax-specific menu item – instead it took some guesswork to come up with the right filename!) . My suggestion is for the default behaviour. Given the preamble thing, do you agree that it never makes sense to show the ruler?



Even when its true that makes no sense to have a ruler on a results page, i dont se that comming shortly, since its only a graphical behaviour that only bother 1% of the customers.

Well maybe if its simply go a delete a character somewhere , but usually that kind of things usually have many drawback possibilities that makes it inpractical in the short time.



Thankfully I believe that jps is amenable to product polish as ST overall shows. Just talking of the aforementioned settings menu items, IIRC they’re now in the form “SUBJECT - MODIFIER” instead of “MODIFIER SUBJECT” because of an old email where I suggested that it scanned better.