Sublime Forum



[quote=“iamntz”]I „fixed” the select the whole bracket scope by using this snippet (in .sublime-mousemap file, obviously)

{ "button": "button1", "count": 1, "modifiers": "button2"], "command": "expand_selection", "args": {"to": "brackets"}, "press_command": "drag_select" }

It doesn’t work on double click, but it works by holding click2 then press on click1 buttons.[/quote]

This doesn’t really “fix” it per se. BH selects more than common curly, round, and square brackets. BH has a number of custom brackets as well. Also the algorithm for built in ST bracket matching is different than BH, so this won’t always select what you see BH targeting (ST algorithm can be sometimes inconsistent with brackets next to each other, at least it use to be…haven’t checked recently).

The option of mouse modifier might be a nice touch though. As soon as I add the alternative bracket selection command (or command parameter), you should be able to use something like iamntz posted above for the BH variant that will target custom brackets as well.



I know, that’s why i used quotes :wink:

Anyhow, for css(sass), php and js, this works every single time. Since the API sucks, we work with what we have :mrgreen:



Man I completely missed those :smile:.

Anyways, thanks for sharing. I don’t use mouse maps at all, so it is nice to see things like that work…I should play around with the mouse maps a bit more.



I added a flag for the bracket select command to always select the tags with content. So by just taking the current command and adding the always_include_brackets argument, you can select the content and tags:

[pre=#232628] // Select text including brackets
“keys”: “ctrl+alt+super+d”],
“command”: “bh_key”,
“lines” : true,
“type”: “all”],
“command”: “bh_modules.bracketselect”,
“args”: {“always_include_brackets”: true}

Pair that with the mouse trick, and that should do it.



no problem, thanks for answering !



I can’t seem to get the mouse thing to work at all. The log says it’s firing, but nothing happens. Any ideas?

And thanks to the dev for adding that new always_include_brackets option. :smiley:




[quote]This is what you need:
“name”: “latex_floats”,
“open”: “(\\begin\{(?:table|sidewaystable|figure|sidewaysfigure|algorithm)\})”,
“close”: “(\\end\{(?:table|sidewaystable|figure|sidewaysfigure|algorithm)\})”,
// “open”: “(\begin\{sidewaystable\})”,
// “close”: “(\end\{sidewaystable\})”,
“style”: “default”,
“scope_exclude”: “string”, “comment”],
“language_filter”: “whitelist”,
“language_list”: “LaTeX”],
“enabled”: true

Am I correct in assuming that this will not work with nested constructs? E.g.:


I would think that it would be necessary to include an additional captured group in the open pattern, that was searched for in the close pattern. To try and get this to work I’ve been trying to hook up to the ht/xml tag matching. I tried adding the following (copying //HTML, and modifying the ends of the regex):

// LaTeX \begin{(...)} \end{(...)}
    "name": "latex",
    "open": "(\\\\begin\\{)(?=\\w\\:\\-]+(?:(?:\\s+\\w\\-:]+(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:\"^\"]*\"|'^']*'|^>\\s]+))?)*)\\s*\\/?>|\\/\\w\\:\\-]+^>]*\\})",
    "close": "(?<=\\\\end\\{)(?:\\w\\:\\-]+(?:(?:\\s+\\w\\-:]+(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:\"^\"]*\"|'^']*'|^>\\s]+))?)*)\\s*\\/?|\\/\\w\\:\\-]+^>]*)(\\})",
    "style": "tag",
    "scope_exclude": "string", "comment"],
    "language_filter": "whitelist",
    "language_list": "LaTeX"],
    "plugin_library": "bh_modules.tags",
    "find_in_sub_search": "only",
    "enabled": true

and then

"tag_mode": {
        "xhtml": "XML", "LaTeX"], ...

But I don’t get anything. I haven’t been able to find info on how to hook up custom tags.



Probably will need to right a bh_plugin.

We have a proprietary language I have to use at work that is similar in this way:

for illustration

def somefunction var1 var2
        if (somecondition)
            some more code;

So, I define my opening and closing brackets, and then sort out which opening matches to which closing by using a bh_plugin (do until is an exception):
[pre=#232628]def compare(name, first, second, bfr):
opening = bfrfirst.begin:first.end].lower()
closing = bfrsecond.begin:second.end].lower()
match = False
if opening == “do”:
if closing == “until”:
match = True
match = “e” + opening == closing
return match[/pre]

Another example for handling case differences in PHP keywords: …



Match when cursor is on outside edge of bracket:
Okay, everyone that has been wanting this, take some time to test the new experimental feature (ST3 only currently)

Add this setting to your “bh_core.sublime-settings”.

"bracket_outside_adjacent": true,

There is going to be some more overhead when this is turned on, but hopefully the impact won’t be too noticeable. I did this for you guys, so please do test and give feedback. If you are waiting for ST2, it may be a tomorrow or the day after.



Few small things:

  1. It seems that this command doesn’t work anymore after the update (and boy, this command is damn useful!):
{ "keys": "ctrl+shift+space"], "command": "bh_key", "args": { "lines" : true, "plugin": { "type": "__all__"], "command": "bh_modules.bracketselect" } } }

The issue is present, with without bracket_outside_adjacent set to either true or false
2) add a different scope for adjacent, so it can have different color


  1. This is now fixed. Funny, it had nothing to do with the new algorithm…just me with a stray mutli-cursor editing something I shouldn’t have.

  2. How come? Current algorithm doesn’t track such things. I would need to pass that info around, and it would require a bit of change to the code. Not sure I really want to spend time on that unless there was a really good reason.

FYI, I know tag outside adjacent just shows angles, I haven’t updated the tag bh_plugin with support yet.



Tag support for experimental outside adjacent is in.



Thanks! I had 3 hours of hell without that! :smiley:

About different highlight: my idea was only in case is an easy thing to do and it aims at certain situations like this:

There are some (probably) rare cases where highlight adjacent it may stay in your way. The idea is to highlight adjacent slightly different AND highlight regular brackets. So in the case i presented in the screenshots, outside brackets should be green, inside brackets should be dark (or light) green (or pink, or whatever i set in the colorscheme). Make sense?



That just means you now appreciate me more :smile:.

Let me think about it. I don’t actually track whether I am catching an adjacent match currently. I inject some stuff to conditionally alter the algorithm to work in these adjacent cases, but it is rarely aware that the final matched brackets are in fact adjacent.

Right now, I am just happy I got it in. I have been putting it off for over a year because I just didn’t want to add more complexity to an already complex system. It really wasn’t as bad as I thought (once I finally spent real time analyzing what would need to be done). I know people have been wanting it though, so hopefully it works well, I figure with enough guinea pigs testing this out, we should hopefully find any overlooked problems.



ST2 Experimental outside adjacent matching has been merged in.

Side note, I may add an additional option to have some bh_plugins ignore the “outside adjacent” setting. Things like pressing select and having it expand does not work with adjacent; instead, it just expands and shrinks over and over :smile:.



Yay! Awesome thanks a lot, much appreciated. At first insight seems to work great, and looks mixed with inside adjacent which is handy. I’ll report back any oddities; I’ve a feature request, (that I have no idea if is complicated or not.)

When I put the cursor in
It would be nice to skip the character “;” and highlight the bracket “)” this is handy for JavaScript. It would be also nice, something similar with “},|” skipping the “,”. But the comma should not be skipped for example with quotes as “aasdasd”,|

Thanks! :slight_smile:



Please do. I am kind of relying on the community to find the issues with this…cause I’m lazy :smile:.

[quote=“tito”]When I put the cursor in
It would be nice to skip the character “;” and highlight the bracket “)” this is handy for JavaScript. It would be also nice, something similar with “},|” skipping the “,”. But the comma should not be skipped for example with quotes as “aasdasd”,|

Its a cool idea, but I will be honest. When I rewrote BH1 to BH2, I did so vowing not to place language specific code in the core code. BH is surprisingly complex (and also something I need to cleanup as it has become pretty complex). The idea was always to allow the definitions to be exposed to the user and expose some kind of plugin system to do bracket manipulation if desired. I did this to take the burden off of me as I was becoming bogged down with language requests and the BH1’s code base just couldn’t handle it, so I threw away pyparadigm’s original code started from scratch and built BH2.

What you suggest can probably be done for javascript in your user folder by excluding the current “)” in javascript and writing a rule like: open = “(()” and close="()(?:;|,)?)" and then run that through a “post_match” event in a bh_plugin adjusting the selection to not include the “;” or “,” if present. This is basically what tags does. Tags just does a simple match for “<” and “>” and then runs it through “post_match” event in the “tag” bh_plugin which determines it is a tag and finds the corresponding open or close matching tag. So, theoretically doable.



Thanks for the information, I’m a little lost on how to configure it to get that behaviour. :blush:, have been trying and watching the settings with no suscess, I also have some fear to break the current behaviour, my settings are just:

{ // Character threshold to search "search_threshold": 50000, "bracket_outside_adjacent": true, "no_multi_select_icons": true, "bracket_styles": { "tag": { "icon": "tag", // "color": "brackethighlighter.tag", "style": "underline" } } }

Oh, another request I just reminded, more important than the previous request; When a tag is outlined, it currently outlines the complete tag. For XML/RDF/XUL files this is somewhat distracting, for example currently the following between brackets is outlined:

<dcterms:identifier rdf:datatype="">]http://url.tld/N</dcterms:identifier>] It would be nice to just highlitgh the tag name, as

<[dcterms:identifier] rdf:datatype="">http://url.tld/N</[dcterms:identifier]>
I known( really ??) this may be complicated for the self-closing case ?

<[dcterms:identifier] rdf:resource="http://url.tld"/]>
There are also these infinite opening tags… and that /really/ disturbs

<input onsomething1="yaydaydya1()" onsomething2="yaydaydya2()" onsomething2="yaydaydya3()" onsomething3="yaydaydya4()" onsomething4="yaydaydya5()" onsomething4="yaydaydya6()" onsomething5="yaydaydya7()" onsomething6="yaydaydya8()" onsomething7="yaydaydya9()" />

Could be easily tweaked? I guess you are aware of this



[quote=“tito”]Thanks for the information, I’m a little lost on how to configure it to get that behaviour. , have been trying and watching the settings with no suscess, I also have some fear to break the current behaviour, my settings are just:
// Character threshold to search
“search_threshold”: 50000,
“bracket_outside_adjacent”: true,
“no_multi_select_icons”: true,
“bracket_styles”: {
“tag”: {
“icon”: “tag”,
// “color”: “brackethighlighter.tag”,
“style”: “underline”

Lol, yeah, I understand that. It is one of those things that I wanted to be super simple, but it is so configurable that setting it up can be complicated. If I get some time in the next week, I may PM you with the basic idea.

In BH1 I used to have a low profile tag highlight mode

<]input ... />]
<]dcterms:identifier rdf:datatype="">]http://url.tld/N<]/dcterms:identifier>]

I can probably add that back in again pretty easily. Create an issue, and I will look into exposing a tag plugin setting to do this.



Issue added thanks for consideration