Sublime Forum

Sublime Text X 20100930


20100930 is available now. The headlining feature is initial support for projects, and thereā€™s plenty of other features too: the full change log is on the aforementioned page.

You can create a project by dragging folders onto the side bar. Thereā€™s no support for .sublime-project files, but the project is saved in the session. Ctrl+P (āŒ˜P on OS X) will show a quick panel to select files within the project. Iā€™m keen for feedback on how this is working for everyone: the ranking gives good quality (& fast) results for me, but thereā€™s still plenty of scope to tune the ranking function. The quick panel is now showing the score next to each entry: this is with the intention of adding user supplied regexes to influence the ranking of individual files (e.g., to make some generally unimportant directories in a project rank lower).

The current plan for the next release is to start getting the basic editing functionality up to speed: support for key binding contexts, python plugins and find/replace. Iā€™m not sure how much of that will actually make it into the next version, but thatā€™s the general gist of it.



This is my first time seeing X and Iā€™m loving it. I hope more people discover this app because itā€™s just awesome. Iā€™ll try to post tips in blogs I read about the new cross-platform releases. Iā€™m pretty sure I havenā€™t read about X from other sources aside from this site.

Some notes on this version of X

  • Quick open with no file open also crashed mine. Win 7 64bit.
  • I havenā€™t checked out the previous builds of X but I hope the quick open panels wonā€™t be in dialog boxes for the final version or at least to not allow multiple quick open boxes. But I do like the new look.


[quote=ā€œsublimatorā€]How does ranking/matching currently work?

I typed in ā€˜webā€™ and for the top ranking match it first highlighted a ā€˜bā€™ ( in budget ) then later where there was a ā€˜webā€™ it only highlighted ā€˜weā€™ ?[/quote]

It matches against the full path, and highlights the characters that result in the highest score for that path: for the first match in your screenshot, a ā€˜bā€™ at the start of a word is worth more that matching against the ā€˜bā€™ in Web. The first line in each results always displays the file name, exclusive of the path.

Iā€™m planning on making the quick panel dialogs modal, which will disallow the multiple quick panel dialogs. Iā€™m also planning to experiment with placing the panel in the side bar, but it remains to be seen if the width restrictions there will be too much.



I think a centered modal gives more visual cue than to put it in the sidebar which would be just like toggling a panel



Just a couple of things before I download:

You mention that Control-Left Click on MacOSX does column select. Actually this is reserved for right click especially on one button mice and more importantly on mac laptops. Maybe you should change that to something else?

I mentioned that on some linuxes I tried it it would not run because it would complain about UCS4. I did a bit of searching and found that Ubuntu compiles python with ucs4 support while the default configuration for python compilation (and thus the default for other distributions) is ucs2. Is it possible to provide an alternative for other distros? I am willing to test it in at least fedora and archlinux.



EDIT: Just downloaded for linux. The problem with accented (tonos) greek vowels is fixed. I still have the problem with Backspace, Delete and Return keys not working.



I think TM has one command combining the functions of Sublimes ā€˜open in projectā€™ & ā€˜select bufferā€™. The files that are already open are likely ranked higher, as are those that have been recently (modified, open) I canā€™t really comment on the practicality of that all in one approach as Iā€™ve never used it.

I am planning on remembering the last highlighted file for a particular input though

Sweet :slight_smile:

Any plans for dealing with selection of multiple files? For eg: find and replace in multiple files? Apply semi automatic macros to multiple files etc.
Or any other command youā€™d like to target to multiple files? I noticed you can do ctrl+shift clicks to select multiple buffers in the side bar.

Anyway, I canā€™t think straight atm, alcohol is the work of the devil!



Yikes, good point. Iā€™ll change that.

Thanks for doing the investigation. Thereā€™s only a single place that particular function is made use of, I should be able to work around it.

Can you run with --debug and let me know whatā€™s printed to stdout when you press the non-functional keys? Also, are the arrow keys now working for you in this build?



Indeed the arrow keys do not work either.
When I ran it with --debug for Backspace, arrow keys, Delete I got nothing in the console.
For Return/Enter I got the following message:
skyline_text_control.cpp560 handle_event got unwanted character:





How to increase font size in sublime X ?



You should locate the file User File Type.sublime-options and set the font size there.

You can consult the following files for an example (some are OS specific in terms that they are not used if not in the named OS):

Default File Type.sublime-options (this should be used by all OSs)
Linux File Type.sublime-options
OSX File Type.sublime-options
Windows File Type.sublime-options

The files can be located in the user preferences of your used OS (e.g. ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text X/Packages/Default/Options in MacOSX)

I hope that helps




Hello again.

I noticed some things on the latest version on MacOSX

First of all when the application first starts when I try to create a new file there is a delay of about 3-5 seconds before it does that.
The same happens when I first switch from English to Greek.

By the way what are the configuration directives that can be used in Widget.sublime-options and Minimap.sublime-options.

Finally is there any plan to reload the User configuration on save? Jon, I think you mentioned it in a post.

By the way on the Mac what is the Hot Quit option? Is it like force quit?





The same as Default File Type.sublime-options, these are just overrides used for widgets and the minimap.

Yep, files under Packages will eventually be auto reloaded, a la Sublime Text

Itā€™s the same as Exit and Preserve Session in Sublime Text: exits without prompting you to save any changes, but restores the modifications on startup.



Itā€™d be really sweet if we could actually customize the mouse bindings in Sublime X in the same we we can customize the keyboard bindings in Sublime 1.4. On my Mac laptop I use a two-finger click for a right click, and it works fine - Iā€™d like to be able to liberate my ctrl key from the bonds of right-click oppression. Since 2005 all desktop Mac mice have had right-click functionality, and all Mac laptop trackpads allowed two-finger right clicks before even that time, if memory serves ā€“ itā€™s time we let go of that control key.

I think typically option-click is used for column-select on Macs though.



Iā€™ve been playing around with the 20100930 build, and Iā€™m liking what I see. It looks like you put a lot of hard work into this!

I have a few comments from playing around with it:

Iā€™m a fan of the sidebar detent, and the way it changes based on filename length.

View > Layout - Itā€™d be awesome if instead of using the view menu, I could just drag different views or different tabs to arbitrary locations in the window and have them snap into a grid-like formation. I feel like Iā€™m not being very clear here, but I think this is decently common behavior, so maybe you know what Iā€™m talking about.

Even more than the layout thing I described above, Iā€™d like to have multi-window support (e.g., drag buffers out and back into different windows). I assume this is in the cards, but Iā€™d like to give it an extra plug. I would use multi-window support to the exclusion of multi-pane support if it existed.
Ideally, I would be able to select multiple tabs (which already seems possible) and then drag them all out at once to make a new window, or drag them all at once into an existing window. I want to do this all the time, but Iā€™ve never seen an app that lets me. Yours could be the first!
Ctrl-click to multi-select seems to work only on groups, whereas shift-click will work on either buffers or groups.

Dragging a tab to a new group in the sidebar is able to change the displayed name of the file to that of one in the destination group. Dragging the tab a second time seems to fix it in most cases.

Could the sidebar groups maybe be renamed views (e.g. ā€œView 1ā€ instead of ā€œGroup 1ā€) in accordance with what they represent? I think itā€™d make more sense to me.

I love the new select buffer window - it looks gorgeous and matches with the rest of the UI, is super fast, and has a really great fuzzy search algorithm. I like being able to slam out letters that include part of the directory name, the filename, and the extension and have it just know what I want. Itā€™s great.

Thatā€™s all I had written down. Iā€™ll let you know if I notice anything else!




Can you make a linux 64 bit version please ? :smile:



adzenith: Thanks for the useful suggestions. Iā€™m planning to do more with dragging views around, but itā€™ll be a while till I get to it.

oxman: Iā€™ll try and make one available for the next release.



Thanks, because without i canā€™t use Sublime on Archlinux :smile: