Sublime Forum

Translate the interface


No one seems interested in replying. To bad, let’s stay like it is between english speaking people.



The files are all in the Packages/Default/ directory.

You’re looking to change the .sublime- files.



It’s a damn text editor, what do you really need to translate? :smiley:
As a programmer i guess you need to know English at some level. Even as a french programmer…

However, most menu items can be translated by editing the Default/*-sublime files. There are files for main menu, context menu and so on.



Thanks for the clue, i will look at the directory but i think a choice at install should be great.

I know it’s a text editor and i’m not talking about me, i speak english, but all users are not, if you take a software like notepad++, the interface is in your native language, it doesn’t change a lot but all the menus are translated and i’m sure it helps the non-developpers folks to use this software and not an another one that isn’t.
But it’s just my point of view.




Yes, I would also love the interface in my langage (French). This is standard for all text editors.

I did not like at all the sarcastic comments below. I can also come up with saracastic comments for those that love English while living in a backward country, but I will abstain. They are free to keep using the US edition.



I think this could be hard as sublime text is “just a one man project”… There’s so much languages a man can speak…



Hi FxBe,
Did you succeed to translate the interface in French, I’m interested in :wink:
And of course it should be part of the installation… like all other software…
Thx in advance



Hi, nope, I didn’t give it a try to tell you the truth. I’m sure lots of users will be ready to give it a go if you provided a proper file to translate on crowdin or transifex or any other translation service. Going throw all files to find out what to translate is just a pain.



The strings are hard-coded inside the executable, so it’s impossible at the moment.



I’ll have a look at some point when I’ll get 5 min of free time then :wink:
If you have a clue where to find those strings don’t hesitate to let me know now



Actually, what I said was only partially true. Some strings are hard-coded like the search & replace widget, but others, like the menu bar at the top, are inside .sublime-menu files.

With PackageResourceViewer, you can get to those files. For example, there is Main.sublime-menu. It’s a simple JSON file. The "caption" key-value pair determines the string.



If you want to provide it via a package you can only overwrite the menu entries, which have an id field (these are only menu groups and not single menu entries). If you overwrite them inside the Default package, you can also overwrite each entry and the ctrl+shift+p menu. Then you should install OverrideAudit to check for changes.
However each package provides it’s own commands with english names, so you would need to do that for any package and this may be undone by updates. Hence you can either have a lot of ongoing support work, a mix of french and english, or just english.



Thanks for the tips, it seems it’s not really doable in the state of the dev. I’ll give it a try anyway



What’s a pity :frowning:
Looks strange too me… but we don’t have the choice.



Japanese users can have a look at:

although it seems the files haven’t been updated in a while.

Those who don’t know Japanese, can have a look at the page with the how-to via



Neat, having same kind of official GitHub repo with the main files to translate will be awesome. We’ll just need to fork it and make each locales.



@ FxBe and James2

Look for Localized​Menu package here: (

From there you can do your own translation. I did a French translation for 75%
of the menu and context menu, but it is not finished and not packaged. If you
are interested, I can send you a zipped file of my French folders, but you have
to install the Localized​Menu package before and see how it works. Start with
the Localized​Menu package and come back here to the forum!

Bonne chance!



Great. I forked the project on GitHub. Can you send your file over, I’ll try to update it and make a PR there to include it in next release
À tout bientôt



Here a ZIP file. Just unzip and copy the folders Default and LocalizedMenu to your Data\Packages folder. I had time to go further in my translation. It’s almost finished for the menus and the plugins I use are also done. I will be glad to know your comments. Just tell me where I can send you the file, because it is not possible to upload on this site.

Voilà, amuse-toi bien!


#21 will do the trick. I’ll let you know when I’ll have some time to go further in my translations. Thanks a lot.
Y’a de quoi faire on dirait, ++