Sublime Forum

Find in Files Not Working



I am having trouble with “Find in Files” on Win 7 64 bit. Is there a limit on the size of file that Sublime will search without the file being open?

The file with the string for which I am searching is 123MB. If I perform the search without this file being open, the search does not find anything. If I perform the same search (Find in Files, not just Find) with the file open, the search succeeds. Here are examples:

With the file open:

Searching 405 files for “RBE.*62962980” (regex)

1464676 * 62635398
1464677 *
1464678: RBE3* 62962980 63053566 3
1464679 * 1. 123 62635405 62635403
1464680 * 62635406

1 match in 1 file

Without the file open:

Searching 405 files for “RBE.*62962980” (regex)

0 matches across 0 files

Removing the regex and just searching for, say, “62962980” yields the same result. The file, at 123MB, takes a while to open in Sublime Text 3. The search through all 405 files takes about the same amount of time as opening this one file. I don’t usually have problems with search, so I am wondering if Sublime is skipping files that are larger than a certain size… Any suggestions?

Thank you,
