Sublime Forum

Development Status - July 2014


[quote=“karisublime”]Many of you have kindly offered your assistance in the development of Sublime; Jon has made the decision that he will complete version 3.0 himself, and from there we will begin expanding the team of developers.

Not at least trying to hire wbond would be a crime.



Thanks for the update Kari!

I’m looking forward to all of the awesomeness which is about to come our way :smile:



Really great to hear an update - lots of doubt on the future of the editor is now gone.

I’ll be releasing my book in a few weeks, looking forward to seeing what is new with ST3 and beyond!



My 2 cents on all this is slightly different, so I thought it worth posting. For me, Sublime has paid for itself many, many times over. If I have a wish, it’s that the future of Sublime is that it does not turn into a buggy, feature-laden beast of which only a small fraction of features are truly useful. I prefer Jon’s approach to software over the usual hurried/pressured approaches. I am, personally, most happy to wait for thoughtful, stable, and considered updates. For everything else, or for the impatient, there’s always add-on packages.



I share this opinion. The amount of time I spend in Sublime Text compared to any other app is ridiculous!






My two cents for future development

  • Focus on a stable

  • Provide a more extensive API, preferably language agnostic (e.g. with ZMQ)

  • Design the new API with the community

  • Move as much as possible out of core and make it community maintained packages



For some reasons, i believe that by doing this, more than half of the ST issues will magically be resolved :smile:



*] Move as much as possible out of core and make it community maintained packages[/list][/quote]

I’d love the core packages to be on the SublimeText GitHub org. I’ve forked a few before just to fix some things that are broken/missing (see ImprovedSQL as an example).




I share this opinion. The amount of time I spend in Sublime Text compared to any other app is ridiculous![/quote]

So true.



if it were written in the blog a lot of questions about the future of the sublime would have ended.
I’m talking about two paragraphs only. Not so hard.
And a lot of belligerent posts would not have reason to be.

Thanks Karisublime for update!!!



Much appreciated thx for update :smiley:



[quote=“Anomareh”]karisublime wrote:
version 4


Back in the day, before package control, and the countless plugins, and large community, there were just a small group of people excited about a nice new editor, and the possibilities. I’m glad Jon still has the energy, desire and focus to push the envelope, and leave the past behind. People have complained about the disruption / evolution ratio in past releases, but it really hasn’t been that bad. ST3 starts in an instant and json config is better than the days.

Having said that, ST3 still feels much the same in spirit to the windows only, xml configured, editor I fell in loves with years ago. So I’m personally excited, having followed ST development since 0.x, because this will be the release that has everything that’s been postponed in ST2 and ST3, and all (or a lot) that’s been up Jon’s sleeve for under the hood changes.

Yeah, there’s a few bugs that annoy me, but no data losses or anything serious. Been wanting to know exactly what changed inside buffer modification events? ST4 is the release we’re likely to get it. New language grammar system? Ditto.

I’m optimistic this time this time we’ll see real change. Vote ST4! haha



Thanks a lot for making me laugh so hard I had to change pants :blush:



Thanks for the update Kari, much appreciated! =) also sublimator for sharing, sublimator for president! :slight_smile:

Please, listen the community screams

[quote]Move as much as possible out of core and make it community maintained packages

Rememberer… more APIs! Keep it up, take your time, thank you

Kind regards



Kari, thank you so much for the update! Yes, the announcement should probably also be posted in the blog.

This is major news for me as my employer has allowed me to start using ST3 for development with COBOL, JCL, and ASM on z/OS. I’m still working on a package that helps with a large portion of the workflow, and makes ST3 SOO MUCH BETTER than a TSO & z/OS environment for development. Glad to know that I won’t have to jump over to Atom in order to give my department a modern editor.

Also, big shoutout to bitlang for the COBOL Syntax package. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it.



Finally, :smile:
i feel relieved

In my humble opinion, the first things that needs to be done is to :

  • Update the api and give a lot more access to the features of the software in order to be able to build better plugins.
  • Update the api docs, cuz the current doc suck and very outdated.

Where i leave we have a saying “One hand can’t clap”. Having a single dev (that has other responsibilities in job and life) on such a great software that is used by a lot of users around the world isn’t really a good idea, especially while a lot of alternatives are rising.

Adding to that the lack of communication with the community will result in a lot of rumors. (i really hope that in the future, that we users of sublime will be updated more frequently)

Thank you Kari



How did I miss this… so awesome! ST should hire wbond for ST4… :wink:



She forgot to mention aliens. I truly believe this John guy is from another planet… This software is good stuff, Kari keep him working and feed him coffee every two hours! No sleep! All the best, RomRP



Hi again, glad this post has proven useful.

To answer a few queries:
Yes, we do intend to make the switch to another forum provider, as we agree this bad boy is a bit dated. It’s on the list of things to do once 3.0 is out.
The power of posting to the blog and tweeting is not in my hands; it’s done at Jon’s discretion, and while I have brought my post to his attention, it has not yet made the cut. Again, increasing marketing and a stronger community management presence are future goals.
As always, the best place to make your voice heard for feature adds and suggestions to expand the product is the user echo:
Contrary to popular belief, this does get read for ideas.

Always happy to address individual concerns:


Sublimetext developement
New dev status please?