Sublime Forum

Sublime Text X 20111106


Bug report: If you hide the minimap and then close/reopen the application, the minimap will be visible again. The View > Show/Hide minimap item will remain in the correct state, so in order to re-hide the minimap you need to click it twice (once to Show, which does nothing since it’s already shown, then again to Hide).



A small wishlist:

  • Search by regex in Open Files in Project window (Ctrl-P), and select and open multiple files at once
  • Replace in files (recently been doing a lot of replacements manually).
  • (possibly cannot be done but…) it would be very awesome to make changes directly in the Find In Files results. Often there is a need to change only a few chars in many files, and this will save a lot of time…


X is REALLY coming along, great work! As of today, I believe I’m moving to it full time.

Is it possible to include/exclude subfolders and filetypes in projects yet?



WIth Find in Files I’m ready to adopt Sublime Text X as my full-time editor of choice. I’m really excited!

Here’s some notes I took while playing around. Let me know if it’s more convenient for you to have a huge chunk like this or if you prefer the sublimator style of a single post every time I find something of note:

[li]Is there a way to remove one folder from a project?[/li]
[li]I’m excited about the new Preferences menu! Would it be possible to have its options listed as a submenu under Sublime Text X>Preferences? (As an example of what I’m talking about, Adobe Photoshop does this with its preferences).[/li]
[li]If I drag a sidebar item and I let go when my mouse is outside the window, the item gets stuck until I click back in the window.[/li]
[li]I really like the detailed status message when you save a broken keymap file. However, would it be possible to just open the console to show the status message when this happens rather than having the modal dialog?[/li]
[li]When I open the save dialog and press command-d to go to the desktop, the “Where” popup doesn’t change to say “Desktop” (it keeps listing whatever the default save folder was) but the file does get saved to the desktop. I’m not sure what’s going on.[/li]
[li]I am a huge fan of the dedicated find results buffer! I have a couple requests here, though. Some of these have been mentioned by others already, but I thought I’d just throw them here anyway:
[]If I save the find results buffer, further searches will open a new buffer. Is this by design?[/li]
[li]I would really like to be able to edit, save, etc. the buffer while still having it receive new search results and still allowing me to double-click lines to go to their destination. This way I can easily pare down the results to only what I’m interested in and then keep track of those results.[/li]
[li]Like sublimator mentioned, it’d be nice if searching would scroll the find results buffer to the location of the new find results.[/li]
[li]I’d like it if the line “Searching 111 files” said what the find string was (maybe something like "Searched for “asdf” in (-
.txt,-Makefile)" – I’m not sure if the search locations are important to list, though).[/li]
[li]It’d also be nice if the “0 matches across 0 files” line were at the top of the find results – maybe you could just update the buffer as you find results? or put the line up at the top once the search is over.[/li]
[li]I originally didn’t notice the : to the right of the line number for each find result. When I noticed it I didn’t think it was obvious enough, but it’s growing on me. I guess this bullet point isn’t really saying anything substantial, but it’s written already so there you go.[/li]
[li]I really like how next_result and prev_result work with Find in Files.[/li][/ul][/*:m]
[li]I really like the new implementation of the minimap highlight box. It’s very classy.[/li]
[li]Could the default and user preference files have different names? When they’re listed in sidebar it’s impossible to tell which one is the user settings without opening it.[/li]
[li]I can select multiple buffers in the sidebar, but I don’t seem to be able to do anything with my selection; i.e., I can’t close them all with commmand-w or by clicking the x, I can’t drag them all to a different group, etc.[/li]
[li]I like how the new project system keeps track of unsaved changes![/li]
[li]You mentioned in your release notes that “Exclude patterns can be configured for opened folders” – is this referring to exclusions in the Find in Files function, or is it referring to file exclusions in a project? If it’s the latter, I can’t figure out how to do it.[/li]
[li]When moving to the beginning of line with multiple selections, would it be possible to have either all or none of them move to hard bol? I had some selections and I was trying to get to the beginning of the line, and some selections were at the hard bol and some were at the soft bol and pressing command-left just toggled each line.[/li]
[li]Command-d sometimes doesn’t work right: if I have a selection, it will expand to word instead of find_under_expanding. Sometime it does work, though; I can’t figure it out.[/li][/list:u]



The “Find All” button doesn’t seem to give focus to the buffer it’s just searched, and clicking on that buffer deselects all of the find results.
Incidentally, it’d be nice if you could click on a backgrounded buffer to bring it to the foreground without changing the selection (this is pretty standard in OS X but I think it’s pretty non-standard in Windows).



When I hit find_next, it makes all my little outlines around all the find results disappear. I can only bring them back by closing the find dialog and re-opening it.
There’s also some problem with switching buffers and using the find functionality, but I haven’t nailed down a solid repro yet. I’m seeing this behavior where I’ll switch files and then find will claim it can’t find anything. If I close the find dialog and re-open it then it suddenly realizes it can find stuff again.



Firstly, thanks for the bug reports! Some responses:

Will fix for the next version

Will also be fixed in the next version

This doesn’t happen for me. What distribution are you using?

I can’t get this to happen for me - Not sure what’s going on.

Will fix for the next version

Yep, currently Command+D only ever acts as Expand to Word on OSX. Will hopefully be fixed soon.

Do you mean pressing the ‘Find’ button in the Find panel, or something else? The Find button doesn’t cause the highlights to disappear for me.

And for the non-bug related queries:

It’s not, no. Most key bindings are only a single line though, so there’s not much to it - are you rebinding one of the complex ones?

Incremental find (Ctrl+I) has this behaviour: type, press enter, and the panel will be hidden. Find All will close the panel when pressed in the next version.

Yep, you can configure the exclude pattern via Preferences/Global Preferences.

Not yet, but I’m intending to add the ability to do this.



Ya, I’m remapping ctrl+d, which is not massive but it got me thinking that it is error prone to re-implement a key mapping rather than reassigning it. I got used to having ctrl+d delete a line in other editors, so I created a macro for ctrl+d and assigned incremental find to another shortcut.



This release is so great! Find in Files is what I’ve been waiting for. One typo I found in “Base File.sublime-settings” is

// window width "wrap_midth": 0,
I believe should be “wrap_width”



Good catch, will fix for the next version



Sorry that was unclear; I’m pressing command-g which I have mapped to “find_next”. If I press the Find button with my mouse the highlights don’t disappear.



When I have multiple groups, it’s not clear from the sidebar which file is open in the non-active groups. Could there be a “background highlight” or something? (e.g. a blue highlight for the front file in the current group; a grey highlight for the front file in other groups).



In Sublime Text, I used Consolas size 8, but in X if I use size 8 the letters look kinda funny (I can take a screenshot if you’d like).
Also, in OS X the font sizes seem to be quite different (I use size 10 and it’s at about the size I like). Is there a reason for that?



Font rendering works quite differently across platforms - on OSX I use Core Text, GDI on win32, and FreeType on Linux. It’s important to use the native font rendering on each platform, otherwise the text looks off compared to other applications.

re: Consolas size 8, is that on Windows? Font rendering should be a pixel for pixel match with Sublime Text 1.x there.



Go To Page seems to be broken, it doesn’t “Go”.

Is there a list or way to access the list of all functions available? Specifically, I’m looking for the function to go to an open buffer but there are a few other shortcuts I want to set up and would rather not have to clutter the forum with such requests…

And with no separation of Sublime and Sublime X in the forum, it’s hard to search/find relevant answers for one versus the other. Might you consider making a Serpate Sublime X section?



Makes sense that the different platforms would use different font handling. Thanks!

Yeah, that’s on Windows. Here’s a screenshot:



Will fix for the next version, thanks.

Do you mean the commands that you can bind to? There’s no list yet, apart from looking through Main.sublime-menu and Default.sublime-keymap.

It turns out that after accounting for DPI, Sublime Text 1.x does a round to nearest, while X was doing a floor, which resulted in a smaller pixel size for 8pt fonts. Will fix in the next version.



Consolas is installed by the Microsoft Office so it is on both Windows and OSX.




sidebar still ugly




Things are looking better and better. Kudos!! I am now fully using X on OSX now, and it works great! I noticed a lack of a few key bindings to legacy commands that already exist in the menu. Yeah, I know I can fill that in myself… :wink:

Any ETA’s on the following:

  1. Build support / Output Panel - Looks like the Output Panel may fit in nicely with where the find-in-files is heading :wink:
  2. Showing full file path it title or status bar? Real pain when I have 2 files of the same name open.
  3. Refresh Project command - As I am building up a project while in Sublime, it’s annoying to have to switch to a different project and switch back just to refresh the tree and quick panel.