Sublime Forum

Sublime Text X 20110110


I’ll add it to the todo list

Yeah, plugins for Sublime Text 1.x will not work with X, although the conversion is generally fairly straight forward. There’s no documentation for the new API, and it’s still missing some important parts compared to 1.x (e.g., no quick panel API yet). Hopefully it won’t be too long until it’s available.




Looking at some of the existing packages for examples, I managed to port a simple word count command to Sublime Text X, and I am happy about that. For now it only prints the word count to the console, as I couldn’t find out how to access the status bar. Being a newbie both to Python and Sublime Text (X), it is a bit of trial and error, but great fun.



I have been using Sublime Text X for a week now without any crashes. All my problems with Remote Desktop and Sublime Text are gone. Great work!

I like the new “file selection” menu a lot, but I cannot say the same for the new sidebar :wink: . The sidebar carries to much information (FILES/GROUPS and FOLDERS), which is not related in my opinion. It does not feel right to have tabs and project folders mixed in the sidebar. Groups of tabs are logically related to the views and not the sidebar. It is hard to tell what files you are looking at in a split screen. The old tab design did not have this problem, because tabs and views were integrated into one coherent widget. The separation of tabs from views in X is very confusing and headlines like GROUP 1, 2, 3 and 4 indicates to me that something is wrong.

I have a few minor observations too :smile:

  • It is not possible to overwrite read-only files.
  • I prefer YAML over JSON when it comes to selecting a more human-friendly configuration format.
  • I see that the build system is back. I have hoped to see some improvements in this area along the following lines (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1237&p=5528&hilit=Ad+hoc#p5528).




I am so pumped about the Find in Files buffer results. This is perfect. Thanks!

A couple of things:
If I use Select File to try to open a file that no longer exists (because it’s keeping track of recently opened files) then whatever buffer used to be open for quick-preview stays open even after the Select File dialog goes away.

If there are no windows open, then the “Find in Files” panel doesn’t take focus when it’s opened.



A couple of requests for keybindings:

  • option-delete (i.e. control-backspace) doesn’t work in quick-panels, such as the find panel or the Select File panel.
  • could you also maybe add keyboard shortcuts in the find panel for regex, match case, whole word, etc.?
  • is there a command that emulates the functionality of the “Replace” button in the replace panel? I tried “replace” but it didn’t work. :stuck_out_tongue:


Could you make it so I can drag folders/files onto the dock icon to open them?



Thank you for adding it, but a minor problem. It doesn’t trigger a new instance, just a new window. Because of that, clicking on Hot Exit or hitting Alt+F4 terminates all the instances.

A second item is that the new window do not inherit the settings of the parent. For example, the minimap is shown, but I’ve disabled it. Also the size of the window is reduced.

All this under Windows 7 x64 Ultimate using Windows x64 version of SublimeText X

Thank you.



Opening a new window, rather than a new instance, is by design. Starting a new instance would cause issues, such as auto save and session files clobbering each other.

Alt+F4 only closes the current window, and won’t terminate all instances.

I’ll have a think about what can be done about the minimap. It’s currently a per-window setting, but it may make more sense for it to be a global one.



I can currently add the same folder to a project multiple times, which is annoying because then find in files searches through the same files multiple times. :smile:



Sweet dude! Thanks for the build system!
Looking forward to spelunking…



A resizable mini map would be nice. :smile: Second, a way or an option to hide scrollbars. Scrolling through mini map is also possible.



Wouah !!!
This new version is amazing, thanks for your work.
Not found any bug.

The new build system look great , I wonder what the new line_regex/file_regex is and how it will be used. I have to wait to some updated documentation.
By the way, please think about my proposition to permit a blank filename for the regex, meaning that it’s the active file that is used.

And another idea:
I’ve seen that now you could write negative line number in the Goto line box, meaning that it’s counting from the end of the buffer.
I sometimes need a relative Goto line counting from current line number:
+10 : Current line +10
-12 : Current line - 12

-12 conflict with how it work actually, but if you need to go backward from the end of the file you could simply make a CTRL+END before the goto line.



Aww man!

I really want to try this version of X! All the features look like a very promising switch from my current editor.

Any chance on getting a 1 week trail up soon (I just want to be sure before I buy it)

PS - update the screen shots on this page : I really want to see what the interface looks like



Sublime is just getting better and better with all these releases! I’ve switched over to X on OSX and Win7 since the 20110106 release and have been loving it.

Is this a new feature that might be coming to X? Or is it better suited as a plugin? -> Plug-in idea - Save buffer when focus lost

Auto saving when focus is lost is the only thing that I miss from TM.



There will be a public alpha soon (this month, fingers crossed), so it won’t be too long until you’ve got something you can try.

Auto save in this case refers to periodically saving the current session, so in the event of a crash or power loss, next time you open Sublime Text you’ll be back where you were, with unsaved changes and files still intact. This is something that always happened, including in 1.x.

I’m planning on adding some API support for notifying plugins when focus is lost, and I’ll add a save_on_focus_lost plugin at the same time. No ETA on this though.



When I press command+e (slurp_find_string) and the find quick-panel isn’t open, everything works as it should. If the find quick-panel is open, however, and I press command+e, then it slurps the find string and also jumps to a different occurrence (seemingly random, but consistent) of that string.



Coming back from fullscreen mode using command+option+f crashes the program pretty regularly. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to crash if I go View>Exit Full Screen.



I use ant to build java programs. Can I specify ant somehow in the new build system?
Thanks in advance.



You’ll need to make a new .sublime-build file, which specifies ant. I’d imagine it’d look something like:

	"cmd": "ant"],
	"file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",

Save this as Ant.sublime-build under %APPDATA%/Sublime Text X/Packages/User (assuming you’re using windows), restart Sublime Text X, and there will be an ‘Ant’ option in the build systems menu.

If “ant” isn’t in your path, then you can modify the cmd to include the full path to it.

The file_regex works that same as lineNumberRegex in Sublime Text 1.x (docs for which are at, except it also supports an optional 4th capture for the error message, which will be displayed in the status bar.



I have a question about folder exclude patterns. Is this possible to set them for every project separately? I’m working with large projects including thousand of files. Some directories consists lots of binary files (for example images). Loading these files into project is completely unnecessary but increases project loading time.
