Sublime Forum

Windows hijacks auto-complete (and solution)


While getting started with Sublime I found that the key sequence for auto complete (ctrl+space) wasn’t working for me. Instead, the key sequence was hijacked by Windows, and switched my keyboard language to Chinese. Very annoying.

The fix is:

  1. Open Windows Control Panel
  2. Open the Regional and Language Options settings
  3. In the Keyboard and Language Settings tab, open the Change Keyboards dialog
  4. Remove all the languages you don’t want

Obviously this will remove support for a Chinese language keyboard, but assuming like me you are not a Chinese speaker, this won’t be a problem.

Now, the Ctrl+Space shortcut is free for Sublime to use.

Apologies if this has been covered previously, I searched the forum but couldn’t find a mention of the problem.



Yes, chinese display and input on Sublime2 is very good. but not work on Linux version!!!

jqs can you work on it? chinese input and display.

maybe you will look at some other editor on linux, such as “geany” it works good on Chinese(Japanese,Kroean) display and input.

THANKS!!! :exclamation: