Sublime Forum

How to abort previous build automatically when building agai


Hello everyone.
This is my first post in this forum. So I hope that this is good place to post my questions:

i Know that there is key mapping to cancel build. But I want automatically when I press Ctrl+B, that it will abort the previous built.

Is it possible?

Is it possibile, that the “cancel” build will do some works. And not just terminate the program (for example, send the kill signal, and let the NoeJS program time to close all the sockets…)



Under normal circumstances the previous build is cancelled when it is still running and you attempt to start a new build.



What do you mean “normal circumstances”. For me it is never happened.

For exmaple this is my node file


In the second build I always get “cannot bind to port 80…”



By that I mean it works for me.

Do you perhaps try to reserve the resource too early? It may be possible that the old process has not terminated yet.