Sublime Forum

How to restore default shortcuts



I have installed a plugin that uses the same keyboard shortcut as another default feature (cmd + shit + enter --> insert an indented breakline on the line above).

I have defined my own shortcut for the new functionality that the plugin brings, but it still has control over the other shortcut.

I’ve made so like this, in my user key binding preferences:

{ "keys": "super+k", "super+k"], "command": "max_pane"},

My question is, how can retrieve the old behaviour? Do you know how the function to insert breakline above is called? Couldn’t find it in the docs :-/

Thank you very much



so i found the solution,

in the preferences, there is key bindings default, that opens a json file with a list with all the default key bindings

the one specific that I was looking for was this one:

{ "keys": "super+shift+enter"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "res://Packages/Default/Add Line Before.sublime-macro"} },