Sublime Forum

Goto line dos not work


I am trying to enhance php-tidy plugin which formats php code when you press a key combo. I would like it to format the code on save and then scroll to the line that was previously focused(now it jumps to the beginning of the file). I added all the necessary code to achieve that, the only thing that does not work is to scroll to a certain line.

import sublime, sublime_plugin, re, os

class EventDump(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_pre_save(self, view):  

class FormatCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        FILE = self.view.file_name()
        settings = sublime.load_settings('PhpTidy.sublime-settings')

        supported_filetypes = settings.get('filetypes') or '.php', '.module', '.inc']
        (row,col) = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin())
        print('PhpTidy: invoked on file: %s' % (FILE))

        if os.path.splitext(FILE)[1] in supported_filetypes:

            print('PhpTidy: Ok, this seems to be PHP')

            # set tidy type
            tidy_type = settings.get('tidytype') or 'wp'

            if tidy_type == 'wp':
                tidy_file = 'wp-phptidy.php'
                tidy_file = 'phptidy.php'

            # path to plugin - <sublime dir>/Packages/PhpTidy
            pluginpath = sublime.packages_path() + '/PhpTidy'
            scriptpath = pluginpath + '/' + tidy_file

            # path to temp file
            tmpfile = '/tmp/phptidy-sublime-buffer.php'
            phppath = '/usr/bin/php'

            # set different paths for php and temp file on windows
            if sublime.platform() == 'windows':
                tmpfile = pluginpath + '/phptidy-sublime-buffer.php'
                phppath = 'php.exe'
                retval = os.system( '%s -v' % ( phppath ) )
                print('PhpTidy: calling php.exe -v returned: %s' % (retval))
                if not ((retval == 0) or (retval == 1)):
                    sublime.error_message('PhpTidy cannot find %s. Make sure it is available in your PATH. (Error %s)' % (phppath,retval))

            # set script and check if it exists
            if not os.path.exists( scriptpath ):
                sublime.error_message('PhpTidy cannot find the script at %s.' % (scriptpath))

            # get current buffer
            bufferLength  = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())
            bufferContent = self.view.substr(bufferLength).encode('utf-8')

            # write tmpfile
            fileHandle = open ( tmpfile, 'wb' )
            fileHandle.write ( bufferContent )
            print('PhpTidy: buffer written to tmpfile: %s' % (tmpfile))

            # call phptidy on tmpfile
            scriptpath = pluginpath + '/' + tidy_file
            print('PhpTidy: calling script: %s "%s" replace "%s"' % ( phppath, scriptpath, tmpfile ) )
            retval = os.system( '%s "%s" replace "%s"' % ( phppath, scriptpath, tmpfile ) )
            if not ((retval == 0) or (retval == 1)):
                print('PhpTidy: script returned: %s' % (retval))
                if retval == 32512:
                    sublime.error_message('PhpTidy cannot find the script at %s.' % (scriptpath))
                    sublime.error_message('There was an error calling the script at %s. Return value: %s' % (scriptpath,retval))

            # read tmpfile and delete
            fileHandle = open ( tmpfile, 'r' )
            newContent =
            os.remove( tmpfile )
            print('PhpTidy: tmpfile was processed and removed')

            # remove hidden tmp file generated by phptidy.php
            if os.path.exists('/tmp/.phptidy-sublime-buffer.php.phptidybak~'):
                os.remove( '/tmp/.phptidy-sublime-buffer.php.phptidybak~' )

            # write new content back to buffer            
            self.view.replace(edit, bufferLength, fixup(newContent))


    def fixup(self, string):
        return re.sub(r'\r\n|\r', '\n', string)

    def goto_line(self, line):
        line = int(line)
        # Negative line numbers count from the end of the buffer
        if line < 0:
            lines, _ = self.view.rowcol(self.view.size())
            line = lines + line + 1

        pt = self.view.text_point(line, 0)


**class EventDump(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_pre_save(self, view):

(row,col) = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin())


def goto_line(self, line):
    line = int(line)
    # Negative line numbers count from the end of the buffer
    if line < 0:
        lines, _ = self.view.rowcol(self.view.size())
        line = lines + line + 1
    pt = self.view.text_point(line, 0)

The code in bold is the code that I added. goto_line function is a copy and paste from the default goto_line plugin. Basically what this plugin does is, check for the validity of the file being formatted, saves its contents in a tmp file, creates a php process to format the temp file, reads the tmp file again now containing the formatted code and puts it into the buffer. The problem is goto_line function, it behaves strangely.When you put as a parameter the row number it does not scroll to the right row, most of the times it scrolls to the 0th row. When you give it a row parameter with a certain offset like row + 20 it works. Any ideas why it does that?