Within key bindings, contexts can be used to limit the scope of a key binding, to allow the same key binding to do different things in different circumstances. You can see an example of this with the tab key: If the selection contains newlines, it runs the indent command, otherwise it just inserts a tab.
An example:
<binding key="tab" command="insertAndDecodeCharacters \t"/>
<binding key="tab" command="indent">
<context name="newlineInSelection" value="true"/>
Here there are two key bindings for tab, the latter will only be used when the newlineInSelection context is true.
More examples can be seen in Packages/Default/Default.sublime-keymap.
selector | All selections must match the given selector |
allSelectionsEmpty | All selections must be empty |
allSelectionsNonEmpty | All selections must be non-empty |
allFollowingCharacter | The character to the right of each selection must be equal to the one given |
noFollowingCharacter | No character to the right of any selection must be equal to the one given |
allPrecedingCharacter | The character to the left of each selection must be equal to the one given |
noPrecedingCharacter | No character to the left of any selection must be equal to the one given |
option | The given option must have a value of 'true' |
notOption | The given option must not have a value of 'true' |
canPopSelection | If the selection history can be poped |
canUnpopSelection | If the selection history can be unpoped |
hasNextField | If a snippet is currently being inserted, and the last field is not active |
hasPrevField | If a snippet is currently being inserted, and the first field is not active |
newlineInSelection | At least one selection includes a newline |
hasMultipleSelections | There is more than one selection |
noPrecedingText | For each selection, the text between the beginning of the line and the selection must not match the given regex |
allPrecedingText | For each selection, the text between the beginning of the line and the selection must match the given regex |
noContainedText | For each selection, the text within the selection must not match the given regex |
allContainedText | For each selection, the text within the selection must match the given regex |
noFollowingText | For each selection, the text between the selection and the end of the line must not match the given regex |
allFollowingText | For each selection, the text between the selection and the end of the line must match the given regex |
isPanelVisible | If a panel is open |
isOverlayVisible | If an overlay is open (i.e., the quick panel) |
isFullScreen | If the current window is in full screen mode |